Price Lock
Price Lock eligibility
- Residents who have held a license since 2017 and purchased one every year since, are automatically enrolled in Price Lock. This includes three-year license holders.
- Based on a recent order amendment, the ability to opt-into Price Lock has changed. Until March 5, 2025, Residents who have not purchased a license each year since 2017 can enroll by purchasing a 3-year license or a lifetime certificate. Then, as long as they buy a license each year, they'll keep receiving the discounted pricing. However, after March 5, 2025, customers will no longer be eligible to opt-into price lock by purchasing a 3-year license or lifetime certificate. After March 5, 2025, there will be no changes for customers that are already enrolled in the Price Lock program.
- The Price Lock program was created through a discount order by the Fish and Game Commission, and extends through 2027.
Some exceptions apply with certain Resident license holders and life events.
First-time Annual License Buyers | Until March 5, 2025 First-time license buyers can only enroll into Price Lock by purchasing a 3-year license. |
Lifetime Certificate Holders | Until March 5, 2025 Lifetime Certificate holders will be enrolled into the Price Lock program. |
Active-duty Military | Active-duty military members that are stationed outside of Idaho but maintain Idaho as their state of residence maintain eligibility to participate in the Price Lock program, by purchasing resident licenses each year as of 2017, or purchasing a 3-year license. |
College Students | Fulltime college student attending school out of state but maintain Idaho as their official state of residence, maintain eligibility to participate in the Price Lock program, by purchasing resident licenses each year as of 2017, or purchasing a 3-year license. |
Religious Absence | Idahoans absent from the state for religious purposes, for up to two years, but maintain Idaho as their official state of residence, maintain eligibility to participate in the Price Lock program, by purchasing resident licenses each year as of 2017, or purchasing a 3-year license. |
If you have questions about the Price Lock program, contact us at
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who can enroll in the Price Lock program?
A: Price Lock is only available to Idaho residents.
Q: How much money do I save?
A: How much you save depends on what tags and permits you usually purchase. In general, if you purchased a 2017 license, you will save about 20% on all your items every year you stay in the Price Lock program.
Q: What happens if I was previously in Price Lock, but I did not buy a license last year?
A: If you do not purchase a license consecutively each year, you are no longer enrolled in the Price Lock program. However, until March 5, 2025, you can re-enroll in the program by purchasing a 3-year license and then continuing to purchase a license each year following the expiration date of your current license.
Q: What if I buy a 3-day or daily license, do I qualify for Price Lock?
A: No. You must hold a valid resident annual or three year license that has been renewed each year since 2017. Until March 5, 2025 you may purchase a 3-year license or lifetime certificate to enroll in the program.
Q: Do I need to buy a license every year to stay in Price Lock?
A: Yes. To benefit from Price Lock, you will need to buy an annual license consecutively each year after 2017. Until March 5, 2025, you may purchase a 3-year license to enter back into the Price Lock program.
Q: How long will Price Lock last?
A. The Price Lock program falls under the Fish and Game Commission’s discount authority. Each year the Commission reviews the current discounts and chooses whether or not they continue. The current discount order extends through 2027.
Q: When and why did fees increase for Idaho residents?
A. Today, Idaho’s resident licenses, tags, and permits fees remain among the lowest in the Western U.S. Resident fees were increased in 2018, but the Price Lock program was started to keep resident fees the same as they were in 2017 for people who kept buying licenses each year. Idaho Fish and Game does not receive funding from state taxes, and values keeping resident prices low while meeting operational costs to manage and conserve Idaho’s fish and wildlife.
Q: Is the Access/Depredation Fee connected to Price Lock?
A. No, the Access/Depredation Fee is not included in the Price Lock program. This fee was enacted by the State Legislature to increase funds available to reimburse landowners for damage caused by wildlife to their crops and property. The access portion of the fee will go to improve hunting and fishing access.
Purchase Licenses,
Tags and Permits
- At License Vendors
- At Regional Offices
- With a credit card -
- Online
- Or by Phone: 1-800-554-8685
There is a processing fee for applications made by phone and online.