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Idaho Fish and Game

How to Purchase and Validate Your Electronic Permit

Anglers now have a way to electronically validate their salmon or steelhead harvest

How to purchase your electronic permit for e-tagging:

  1. Log into or create an account at
  2. Click the "Buy Licenses, Permits, and Tags" tile on the home page
  3. Locate the Salmon and/or Steelhead permits from the catalog and click "Add to Cart"
  4. Once in the cart, ensure the fulfillment option next to each permit is selected as "E-tag". Note that changing this selection to "Only Mailed" will result in the purchase of a paper permit, and e-tagging will not be eligible.
  5. Click "Checkout Now" and complete the transaction. 
  6. Download the GoOutdoorsIdaho mobile app, sync your licenses and permits, and you're ready to begin e-tagging!

How to report your harvest through e-tagging:

1.Download our Go Outdoors Idaho App directly on your smartphone and submit on the go.
 Go Outdoors Idaho App IconiPhone Android

Electronic Verification Steps - Online Mode

  1. Tap “Salmon/Steelhead E-tagging” tile on the home screen.
  2. Anglers will see a list of permits eligible to for e-tagging. Once a fish is harvested, tap the permit that should be reported against. 
  3. The e-tagging form will pop up. Anglers should complete the form and select the “Submit" button.
  4. A confirmation number will pop up to confirm the report was submitted.
  5. Select “Ok” to view the completed form.
Salmon/Steelhead E-Tagging (Online Mode)

Electronic Verification Steps - Offline Mode

  1. Tap “Salmon/Steelhead E-tagging” tile on the home screen.
  2. Anglers will see a list of permits eligible to for e-tagging. Once a fish is harvested, tap the permit that should be reported against. 
  3. The e-tagging form will pop up. Anglers should complete the form and select the “Submit" button.
  4. A pop up will appear that informs the angler that their harvest was reported offline. Note the “Offline mode: no internet connection available” in red at the bottom of the screen. 
  5. Select “Ok” to view the completed form. Note, the confirmation number states “record not sent”. 
  6. When an angler enters cellphone reception, they should click the "Refresh" button on the home page, then navigate to “e-tag history” tab. Note, the confirmation number has updated and the angler will receive a “success” pop up. 
Salmon/Steelhead E-Tagging (Offline Mode)