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Idaho Fish and Game

Upland Bird Forecast - Salmon Region

Salmon Region

2024 Conditions – The 2023-24 winter was relatively mild. Spring conditions were dry and relatively warm, and likely resulted in good nest success across the landscape. With a couple years of milder weather conditions, the trend for most upland game bird populations should be upward.


  • Trend from last year (2023): Stable
  • 10-Year Trend (2014-2023): Stable
  • There is little pheasant habitat in the Salmon Region and wild pheasant numbers are low. Pheasant’s stocking efforts will continue in the region to provide hunting opportunity. 


  • Trend from last year (2023): Up
  • 10-Year Trend (2014-2023): Down
  • Chukar numbers have steadily improved over the last several years. Brood sizes appear to have returned to normal after several years of suppressed production due to hard winter and wet springs. Hunters should expect to experience normal covey sizes once again with a large portion of the harvest being comprised of young of the year.

Gray Partridge (Hun)

  • Trend from last year (2023): Stable
  • 10-Year Trend (2014-2023): Down
  • Gray partridge are uncommon in the Salmon Region, but do occur in small pockets of habitat across the Lemhi, Salmon and Pahsimeroi valleys.

Forest Grouse (Dusky, Ruffed, Spruce)

  • Trend from last year (2023): Stable
  • 10-Year Trend (2014-2023): Stable
  • Dusky grouse are the most common forest grouse species in the Salmon Region due to its predominantly dry forest habitat. Ruffed and spruce grouse numbers are limited, but they may be found in riparian habitats and moist, high-elevation forest types. Forest grouse production appears to be good this year and hunting should be good with above average chick survival.

Greater Sage-grouse

  • Trend from last year (2023): Down
  • 10-Year Trend (2014-2023): Down
  • Lek counts were generally up across the region. Production was up and thus tag numbers were increased for the 2024 season. For those fortunate enough to obtain a tag, hunting should be good, particularly in the Lemhi and Pahsimeroi Valleys.

Mourning Dove

  • Trend from last year (2023): Stable
  • 10-Year Trend (2014-2023): Down
  • Due to general lack of cereal grain production and early frost in the region, mourning dove populations are low in the Salmon Region. Most birds are found in or near cottonwood galleries in riparian areas or on private agricultural lands.