Special Wildlife Tags - Qualification and Selection Process
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is establishing this qualification process to allow nonprofit wildlife conservation organizations to qualify for consideration in marketing and offering hunting tag auction or raffle services for Fish and Game. Fish and Game will use this process to establish a pool of qualified organizations in order to obtain services.
The Idaho Fish and Game Commission issues one auction bighorn sheep tag and one lottery bighorn sheep tag annually. Other tags that may be issued in the future will be posted on the Fish and Game Web site, and all organizations that already have qualified to receive one or more special tags will be notified when such additional tags become available.
- The application period closes 45 days prior to the July Commission Meeting .
- No special wolf tags are slated for auction or lottery at this time.
Summary of Qualifications
Each applicant must be a nonprofit organization qualified under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and dedicated to wildlife conservation. Specific experience in conducting public permit auctions and raffles, along with the organization's record in promoting conservation, sportsmanship and hunter ethics as outlined in the Qualifications section, will be considered in the selection process.
The services sought will involve conducting auctions and raffles for selected hunting tags throughout the state. These guidelines will be used to identify organizations as meeting the requirements of Idaho Code Section 36-408 (5). In their applications, interested organizations should demonstrate breadth and depth of experience and success in:
- Marketing an auction or raffle to a wide audience of potentially interested parties so as to enhance revenue that may be generated.
- Conducting public auctions or raffles for hunting tags in an orderly and businesslike manner.
- Promoting the conservation of wildlife as evidenced by previous fundraising and awarding grants to promote wildlife conservation and/or completion of on-the-ground conservation programs staffed and/or funded wholly or in part by its members.
The auction/lottery tag coordinator at Idaho Fish and Game is the chief of wildlife and may be reached at: Chief of Wildlife, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, P.O. Box 25, Boise, Idaho 83707; or by phone at 208-334-2920.
ScheduleApplication packages may be received at any time during the calendar year. All application packages must be complete and on file with Fish and Game at least 45 days before the July commission meeting each year. All application packages will be available for public review upon request made to the director of Fish and Game.
Application / Qualification Steps and Contract Terms- Qualification Process (Step 1)
- Selection Process (Step 2)
- Contract Terms
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