Steelhead: Clearwater River - Upper - Memorial Bridge of U.S. Highway 12 to Clear Creek (Spring 2025)
Spring run
Season dates and limits are subject to change at any time. Check back for current status.
Season Status:
Season Dates:
Daily Limit:
Three (3) steelhead per day
Possession Limit:
Nine (9) steelhead in possession
Season Limit
Twenty (20) steelhead during the spring season
Harvest Allowed
Special Restrictions
Fishing between posted boundaries 100 yards upstream and downstream from the Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery Ladder (near Cherry Lane Bridge) and extending into the river channel 50 yards is prohibited.
Fishing from the shoreline or wading along the perimeter of Dworshak National Fish Hatchery is prohibited.
No motors are allowed from September 1 through April 30 in the Clearwater River from the Clearwater River Bridge at Orofino upstream to the confluence of the Middle Fork Clearwater and South Fork Clearwater rivers.
No motors are allowed from September 1 through April 30 in the Middle Fork Clearwater River.
Clearwater River - Highway 12 Memorial Bridge to Clear Creek
Lower Bound:
Memorial Bridge
Upper Bound:
MF Clearwater , Clear Creek