Clearwater River: Mouth to confluence of South Fork and Middle Fork Clearwater rivers (Coho 2024)
Fall run
Season dates and limits are subject to change at any time. Check back for current status.
Season Status:
Season Dates:
Harvest Allowed
Special Restrictions
- Near Dworshak National Fish Hatchery
- Fishing from the shoreline along the perimeter of Dworshak National Fish Hatchery is prohibited.
- Near Lenore Rest Area
- Fishing from any watercraft is prohibited in the Big Eddy near Lenore Rest Area at milepost 28 on US Highway 12 from the posted boundary near river mile 27.6 upstream to the posted boundary near river mile 28.0.
- Near Cherrylane Bridge
- Fishing is prohibited between posted boundaries 100 yards upstream and downstream from the Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery Ladder (near Cherrylane Bridge) and extending into the river channel 50 yards.
Clearwater River - Mouth to Confluence of South Fork and Middle Fork Clearwater River
Lower Bound:
Upper Bound:
Headwaters/Confluence of South Fork and Middle Fork Clearwater River