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Idaho Fish and Game

Mainstem Clearwater River: Mouth to Memorial Bridge (Fall 2024)

Fall run
 Season dates and limits are subject to change at any time. Check back for current status.
Season Status:
Season Dates:
Daily Limit:
Three (3) adult fall Chinook Salmon per day, no limit on jacks
Possession Limit:
Nine (9) adult fall Chinook Salmon, no limit on jacks
Season Limit
There is no season limit on fall Chinook Salmon
Harvest Allowed
Season Status Details

Adult fall Chinook Salmon are greater than or equal to 24 inches in length.

Adipose clipped or unclipped fall Chinook Salmon adults and jacks may be kept.

Clearwater River - Mouth to Highway 12 Memorial Bridge

Lower Bound:
Line at the mouth from a posted sign on the north bank to the western-most point on the south bank
Upper Bound:
Highway 12 Memorial Bridge