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Idaho Fish and Game

Fisheries Inventory System

The Fisheries Inventory System (FINS) is a cooperative effort among state, tribal, federal and corporate fish and wildlife agencies in the Snake River Basin.

This project that is designed to track anadromous fish that are trapped, spawned, reared, transported, and/or released at hatchery or research locations in the Snake River Basin. FINS is funded by Idaho Power Company and USFWS (through the Lower Snake River Compensation Plan and Bonneville Power Administration).

FINS is designed to be accessible, useful, and standardized. FINS uses an open architecture and allows users to view authoritative and up to date data in a user friendly Office Data Entry console. FINS enables user access to real time, essential data for Snake River Basin anadromous fish hatchery operations and management decision making.


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Fisheries Inventory System (FINS)

Fish Inventory System Logo

The Fisheries Inventory System (FINS) project is hosted by the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission. Any questions about the database or project should be directed to their help line at 208-398-DATA.