A whole bunch of moose have been killed in the Idaho City-area lately, at least seven in the last three years alone. All of those were mistaken identity cases and all seven of those cases were solved.
Another moose died this fall; that case remains open.
Eight dead moose in three years is no way to get a struggling moose population back on its feet.
To combat this trend, Fish and Game officers – and their friend Wally, the decoy moose – spent three days in late October/early November in the hills around Idaho City. Their efforts were all about raising awareness regarding Idaho City’s moose population, educating hunters about being sure of your target, and saving a few moose in the process.
After staking Wally out along a highly-trafficked road, the officers remained hidden, watching and listening to hunters (and non-hunters) as they passed by. Many stopped and took photos. Others left their vehicles and stood quietly, watching Wally intently. Still others tried to approach him. Each time, an officer contacted the individual and spent a few minutes visiting about Wally and the real life moose that Wally represents.
“It was a worthwhile effort,” Fish and Game district conservation officer Ben Cadwallader noted. “Many of the hunters we contacted had no idea that moose inhabited the area, and at least a few were unsure exactly what animal species they were observing.” More than three dozen citizens were contacted in the effort.
Plans call for Wally to journey to the wild country around Idaho City again next fall for a repeat performance. “If we can save just one moose through these educational efforts, it will have been worthwhile,” Cadwallader commented.
CAPTION: Fish and Game Conservation Office Steve Ross (left) and District Conservation Officer Ben Cadwallader strike a pose with Wally, the decoy moose.Cadwallader strike a pose with Wally, the decoy moose.