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Idaho Fish and Game


Clearwater weekly steelhead fishing report (3/25/18)


Effort on the North Fork and mainstem of the Clearwater was low this past week. Water is running high and fast on the North Fork because of water released from the dam. This has made fishing difficult on the North Fork. The main stem of the Clearwater documented seven fish caught. The majority of the effort is in front of Dworshak dam at the “Slaughterhouse Hole.”

The South Fork of the Clearwater saw a lot of effort this past week. Most of the documented effort is above the Harpster Grade. The highest concentration of anglers was at the Mt. Idaho Hole. 68 anglers of the 156 checked on the South Fork were fishing above Mt. Idaho on Highway 14. Most of the effort was from bobber or jig set-ups. Check Harvest Report for more details - Jaime Robertson, Fisheries Technician 2, Clearwater Region