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Idaho Fish and Game

Public Fishing and Boating Access Areas - Some Consider Them "Garbage Dumps"


Snake River Bordewick Access

Sportsmen believe in multiple use - but using their hunting and fishing Access sites for a dump shouldn't be one of them.  Recently, the Bordewick Access along the Snake River was used as a disposal site for tires by some disrespecting individual.  We will investigate and hope to find the responsible individuals - but chances are "slim to none" that enforcement will be successful.

If you use Access sites or public lands and observe illegal dumping - please notify the authorities.  We can be contacted through our website, by calling the Citizens Against Poaching (CAP) 1-800-632-5999 or one of your regional offices or local law enforcement.  Pictures from cell phones are helpful in finding the responsible individuals.

Please remember - this is your land for your enjoyment.  Don't let others disrespect your property.