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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Boise River WMA closed to public on Jan. 7-8 for administrative management work

| idfg-bpearson

The Boise River Wildlife Management Area, including all WMA trails (Cobb, West Highland Valley, Homestead, and Lucky Peak), will be closed to the public for administrative management activities on Sunday, Jan. 7 and Monday, Jan. 8. 

The access closure will be signed at all major entry points to the WMA. The… more

Hyde Pond Kid’s Ice Fishing Derby set for Jan. 27

| idfg-mdemick

Bundle up the kids, grab your fishing gear and head to Hyde Pond Saturday, Jan. 27 for some ice fishing fun.

The 31st annual Kids’ Ice Fishing Derby will be held from 8:00 a.m. to noon and is designed for youth ages 16 years and under. Prizes for big fish in four age categories will be awarded, and lucky… more

Ground survey of bighorn sheep in Unit 26 suggests population is stable

| idfg-nborg

Fish and Game staff recently completed a ground survey of bighorn sheep along Big Creek in Unit 26. 

Surveyors counted 75 sheep along Big Creek downstream of Cabin Creek. This is consistent with observations from previous surveys and suggests a stable population. Lamb ratios were slightly above average for… more

The Top 'Big Fish' Stories of 2023

| idfg-cliess

From a 40-pound lake monster in Hayden Lake to a 75-year-old record vindicated by passionate bass fishing sleuths, angler stories covered all manner of strange in 2023. Anglers from all over the state hoisted up some incredible benchmarks last year (and have pictures to show for it). 

In total, 2023… more

F&G seeking information on bull elk killed in Pahsimeroi Valley

| idfg-mdemick

Idaho Fish and Game is seeking information about a bull elk shot and left to waste near May, Idaho in the Pahsimeroi Vally.   

Conservation officers located the 5-point bull elk on private land east of Hooper Lane about 250 yards east of the Pahsimeroi River.  The elk was thought to have been shot… more

F&G biologists complete herd composition surveys in Southwest Idaho

| idfg-rberkley

Each December, biologists across the state conduct mule deer surveys on key winter ranges to understand current herd composition, or proportions of bucks, does and fawns.  The primary intent of these surveys is to measure fawn productivity and survival to 6 months of age, which is an important component in… more

Important dates to help plan your January

| idfg-cliess

From tags sales to season closures, there’s a lot happening in Idaho during January that you should be aware of. Staying in the loop can be the difference between applying for that coveted controlled hunt tag and watching from the sidelines.

Be sure to stay up to date on all Fish and Game happenings. Here are… more

Southeast Region Winter Feeding Advisory Committee meeting scheduled for Jan. 2

| idfg-jjackson

Members of the Southeast Region Winter Feeding Advisory Committee (WFAC) will meet on Jan. 2, 2024 to assist Idaho Fish and Game with the assessment of winter conditions and observations related to big game animals (movements, depredations, activity on roadways, body conditions, mortalities) in the Southeast Region.… more

New year, time for a new fishing/hunting license, and you have lots of options

| idfg-rphillips

The new year is here, so it’s time to get a 2024 hunting and/or fishing license. Not only do you get a full year of hunting and fishing, you also help fund protecting, preserving and perpetuating all of Idaho’s fish and wildlife. 

Licenses, permits and tags can be purchased online at GoOutdoorsIdaho.… more

Statewide trout stocking highlights for January 2024

| idfg-cliess

Many of Idaho’s lakes and ponds are soon going to be bolstered with Idaho Fish and Game stocking roughly 4,000 catchable-sized rainbow trout this January. Wondering if the stocking trucks are going to be backing up to your favorite fishing hole? We asked our Fish and Game hatchery staff to boil down some of the most… more

Expert ice fishing: F&G staff shares their tips so you can catch more fish

| idfg-rphillips

Ice fishing can be pretty darned simple. Drill a hole, drop a baited hook  and wait for a fish to bite. It really can be that simple if you’re just starting. But like all fishing, there are more ice fishing skills you can learn to catch more fish, and those skills can come from trial-and-error experience, or… more

Rainbow trout stocking schedule for January 2024 in the Magic Valley Region

| idfg-tthompson

Hatchery personnel from Fish and Game’s Magic Valley Region will be stocking approximately 900 10-12” catchable-sized rainbow trout in January. All stocking dates and numbers of fish are approximate.

Stocking of all waters is tentative and dependent on river/lake/pond conditions (angler safety concerns); dates… more

Southwest Region rainbow trout stocking schedule - January

| idfg-bpearson

Fish and Game staff will be stocking more than 3,000 catchable-size (10 to 12 inch) trout at the following locations across the Southwest Region in January. 

All fish stocked are rainbow trout. Stocking of all waters is tentative and dependent on river/lake/pond conditions (angler safety concerns… more

“Talk Shop with Idaho Fish and Game” launching in Jan. in the Panhandle Region

| idfg-tjross

Beginning in Jan. 2024, Idaho Fish and Game in the Panhandle Region will be launching “Talk Shop with Idaho Fish and Game”. The title says it all, but this is a great opportunity for folks to come out for some free food and soft drinks and to meet and mingle with many Fish and Game staff from the Panhandle Region.… more

Feeding backyard deer and elk does more harm than good

| idfg-cliess

Seeing a herd of deer outside your door or a herd of elk may seem idyllic, and during winter they can almost seem tame. But truth is they’re wild animals that need to remain wild animals, and feeding them can quickly create a variety of problems.

Here’s how a simple well-meaning act can lead to a neighborhood-… more

Potential wolf trappers must attend and pass course prior to trapping

| idfg-cliess

A head's up for all potential wolf trappers

All wolf trappers in Idaho are required to attend and pass a wolf trapper education course prior to trapping wolves. Idaho Fish and Game has recently posted wolf trapper classes in all 7 regions of Idaho.  

These classes will be taught during January… more

Steelhead Habitat Restoration in the Potlatch River: Part 4- Monitoring Stream Restoration Projects

| idfg-jbruns

The Potlatch River basin in north-central Idaho is home to an endangered population of wild steelhead. Due to a variety of factors, including historic land use practices, wild steelhead numbers in the Potlatch River have been declining. Idaho Fish and Game and partner organizations have been conducting a large-scale… more