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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

The F&G Commission Will Meet in Jerome next Month

| idfg-mcoleman

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission will meet November 17, 18 and 19 in Jerome. The meeting will start with a public comment period beginning at 7 p.m. Wednesday, November 17. The commission's routine agenda items include: setting fishing seasons for 2011-2012 and appointing a commission representative to Western… more

Ask Fish and Game: Hunter Orange

| idfg-mcoleman

Q. Am I always supposed to wear hunter orange while hunting? A. Hunter orange is required only when hunting the nine Idaho Fish and Game wildlife management areas where pheasants are stocked. The areas are Fort Boise, C.J. Strike, Payette River, Montour, Sterling, Market Lake, Mud Lake, Cartier Slough and Niagara… more

F&G Director Questioned in Trespass Case

| idfg-nnokkentved

Idaho Fish and Game Director Cal Groen has notified the Fish and Game Department that he and hunting companions have been questioned regarding a reported trespass incident in the Elk City area. The incident involves Groen in his personal, and not his official capacity. Fish and Game officials have not been involved… more

F&G Director Cited in Trespass Case

| idfg-nnokkentved

Idaho Fish and Game Director Cal Groen notified Fish and Game Friday, October 15, that he was served with a citation in connection with a trespass incident in the Elk City area. Earlier this week, Groen and hunting companions were questioned regarding the incident that occurred Sunday, October 10. Groen's companions… more

Salvage Order Issued for Jensen Grove

| idfg-nnokkentved

The Southeast Region office of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game has been notified by the city of Blackfoot that water will no longer enter the pond at Jensen Grove Park during the last week of October. Fish in Jensen Grove Pond will not survive when water levels become unsuitable. Therefore, Fish and Game is… more

Wildlife Decoys Used to Catch Poachers

| idfg-mcoleman

Is that a deer lurking in the shadows, or is it a stuffed animal set up to catch unethical hunters in the act of poaching? As the general deer season opens, Idaho Fish and Game enforcement officers will be setting up decoy deer - known as an Artificially Simulated Animal - to catch would-be poachers. Wildlife… more

Hunters, Anglers Must Stop at F&G Check Stations

| idfg-mcoleman

With the opening of the general deer season, Idaho Fish and Game enforcement officers will be setting up check stations across the state at major access points to hunting units with open seasons. All hunters and anglers are required to stop at check stations, whether they have any game animals or fish in the vehicle… more

Big Game Hunters: Keep Predators in Mind

| idfg-mcoleman

As big game hunters take to the woods, they are reminded that they are not alone at the top of the food chain. Each year, Idaho Fish and Game receives reports of wolves being attracted to hunters as they call elk, wolves visiting hunting camps and large predators eating carcasses that were not properly hung.… more

One Little Seed

| idfg-mcoleman

By Anna Owsiak - Idaho Department of Fish and Game Once upon a time, there was a little seed. Small and not very noticeable, it fell into the game bag in the vest of a bird hunter while he sat on the ground. When the hunter got home, he didn't notice the little seed, so there it stayed, all alone. Two weeks later,… more

Idaho F&G's Access Yes Program Gets Federal Grant

| idfg-mcoleman

Idaho has been awarded a $400,000 federal grant for its hunter and angler access program. The grant is part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack October 4 announced the awards to 17 state public access programs of grants… more

Ask Fish and Game: Handgun Use

| idfg-mcoleman

Q. Can I carry a handgun while archery hunting? A. Yes, it is legal to carry a handgun while archery hunting. But it's illegal to use any firearm to take an animal or finish off a wounded animal in an archery-only season.

Volunteers Needed at Idaho Fish and Game

| idfg-nnokkentved

Helping Idaho's wildlife is easier than most people think. An informational meeting on Idaho Department of Fish and Game's volunteer program is planned for 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 20, at the Idaho Department of Labor Building, 1350 Troy Road in Moscow (behind Dollar Tree Eastside Marketplace). Fish and… more

Novice Waterfowl Hunt Planned in Magic Valley

| idfg-nnokkentved

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is offering a "first-time hunter of any age" waterfowl hunt at the Hagerman Wildlife Management Area. This special hunt is open to all 2010 hunter education graduates who are 10 years of age or older. The 22 hunters chosen by random drawing will be mentored by seasoned hunters,… more

Bighorn Sheep Poacher Sentenced

| idfg-mcoleman

A Nampa man will spend six months in jail and pay thousands in restitution for poaching a California bighorn sheep in Owyhee County earlier this year. Jake B. Fouts, 21, must pay more than $2,900 in court costs, civil penalties and restitution and, under work release stipulations, spend 180 nights in the Murphy jail.… more

Deer Season Opens in October in Most of Idaho

| idfg-mcoleman

The regular deer season opens Sunday, October 10, in most regions of Idaho. In some areas, a regular deer tag allows hunters to take either mule deer or white-tailed deer. A white-tailed deer tag allows hunter to take only a white-tail. Many areas across the state also offer antlerless youth hunt opportunities, but… more

Hunting With OHVs: Do You Know the Rules?

| idfg-mcoleman

By Jennifer Jackson - Idaho Department of Fish and Game This is the time of year when any given day greets hunters with cool crisp mornings, landscapes dotted with changing colors, and opportunities to pursue a variety of game. With some big game hunts already under way and general deer season just around the… more

Pheasant Hunt Opens Saturday in Northern Idaho

| idfg-mcoleman

The regular pheasant season opens Saturday, October 9, in northern Idaho Area 1. The season opens in the rest of the state's Areas 2 and 3 on Saturday, October 16. Shooting hours start one-half hour before sunrise and end one-half hour after sunset in all three areas, except on Fort Boise, C.J. Strike, Montour and… more

Waterfowl 2010 Season Opens This Week

| idfg-mcoleman

The 2010 waterfowl season opened Saturday October 2 in Area 1, northern and eastern Idaho, and on October 9 in Area 2 in southwestern Idaho and the Magic Valley. The season includes Canada and greater white-fronted geese, ducks, coots and snipe and runs to January 14, 2011, in Area 1 and to January 21, 2011, in Area 2… more