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Idaho Fish and Game

Pheasant Hunt Opens Saturday in Northern Idaho

The regular pheasant season opens Saturday, October 9, in northern Idaho Area 1. The season opens in the rest of the state's Areas 2 and 3 on Saturday, October 16. Shooting hours start one-half hour before sunrise and end one-half hour after sunset in all three areas, except on Fort Boise, C.J. Strike, Montour and Payette River wildlife management areas, where shooting hours start at 10 a.m. The daily bag limit is three cocks, and the possession limit is six after the first day, except on wildlife management areas where pheasants are stocked, in which case the daily limit is two cocks and four in possession. Hunters need a wildlife management area permit to hunt pheasants on the nine Idaho Fish and Game wildlife management areas where pheasants are released, including the Fort Boise, C.J. Strike, Payette River, Montour, Sterling, Market Lake, Mud Lake, Cartier Slough and Niagara Springs wildlife management areas. The permit costs $23.75. All pheasant hunters are required to wear hunter orange on wildlife management areas where pheasants are stocked. And all hunters must have a valid 2010 Idaho hunting license. For more information, go to the upland game hunting page on the Fish and Game Website at: