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Idaho Fish and Game

Volunteers Needed at Idaho Fish and Game

Helping Idaho's wildlife is easier than most people think. An informational meeting on Idaho Department of Fish and Game's volunteer program is planned for 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 20, at the Idaho Department of Labor Building, 1350 Troy Road in Moscow (behind Dollar Tree Eastside Marketplace). Fish and Game personnel will discuss plans concerning upcoming field projects where volunteers can make a difference. Helping at big game checkstations, teaching fishing skills, and planting shrubs to improve wildlife habitat are just a few of the many examples where volunteers are needed. Fish and Game is also seeking volunteers skilled in carpentry, welding, construction and computer data entry. "Volunteers can help with everything we do," said Jennifer Bruns, volunteer coordinator based in Lewiston. "Not only is volunteering fun, but it can be educational and very rewarding." For more information on volunteering, visit Fish and Game's website at, or contact Jen Bruns at Idaho Fish and Game in Lewiston 208-799-5010.