Waterfowl 2010 Season Opens This Week
The 2010 waterfowl season opened Saturday October 2 in Area 1, northern and eastern Idaho, and on October 9 in Area 2 in southwestern Idaho and the Magic Valley.
The season includes Canada and greater white-fronted geese, ducks, coots and snipe and runs to January 14, 2011, in Area 1 and to January 21, 2011, in Area 2.
A split season for blue, snow and Ross's geese in southwestern Idaho and the Magic Valley runs from October 29 to January 21 and February 19 to March 10, and in parts of the Upper Snake and Southeast regions from October 22 to January 14 and February 19 to March 10.
The daily bag limit is seven ducks; but not more than two female mallards, two redheads, three scaup, two pintails and one canvasback. The daily dark goose bag limit is four, and the daily limit for light geese is 10.
Possession limits are twice the daily bag limit. The daily and possession limit for coots is 25, and the daily limit for common snipe is eight and the possession limit 16.
Hunters 16 or older need to buy a federal Migratory Bird Stamp. All hunters also must buy a state migratory bird validation. Both are available from Fish and Game license vendors and online at https://id.outdoorcentral.us/.
For additional details and legal shooting hours, consult the 2010 waterfowl rules brochure available at license vendors, Fish and Game offices and online at http://fishandgame.idaho.gov.