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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Grab The Phone - Stop A Poacher

| idfg-staff

LEWISTON - With most of the hunting seasons closed now, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game reminds people who spend time outdoors that they should still reach for a phone whenever they witness a violation of fish and game laws. "Poaching occurs year around, but the phone works year around too," says Dave… more

Fish and Game Schedules Public Meetings

| idfg-staff

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game will hold several public meetings around southeast Idaho to receive public comments on 2002 hunting seasons and regulations for elk, deer, antelope, mountain lion, and black bear. Meetings will be held at 7:00 P.M. on the following dates: January 28 ISU Student Union Little… more

Final Salmon Survey Reported

| idfg-staff

The final results of a survey of salmon anglers who took part in the extraordinary 2001 chinook seasons show anglers spending an average $371 per fishing trip for a total of $46.1 million. Fish and Game anadromous fisheries manager Sharon Kiefer presented the final report to the Fish and Game Commission at its meeting… more

Discover Idaho's Natural Heritage

| idfg-staff

Discover Idaho's Natural Heritage at the MK Nature Center. Together for the first time, three traveling exhibits from the Natural Heritage Center at Idaho State University will be on display from February 15 through May 31. Each of these displays offers photographs, graphic images, specimens, and an interactive… more

Goat Hunts to Close

| idfg-staff

Meeting in Boise January 16-18, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission approved closing mountain goat hunts in Units 59 and 59A in the eastern side of the state. Declining goat populations in those units caused the department to recommend the hunting closures. The closure will be done by the Fish and Game Director.… more

Apply Now for Spring Turkey, Bear Controlled Hunts

| idfg-staff

Hunters have until February 15 to apply for spring turkey and bear controlled hunts. Applicants will find current seasons and rules for the spring turkey controlled hunts in the 2002 proclamation brochure, recently distributed to Fish and Game offices as well as to license vendors statewide. The spring bear controlled… more

Commission Gavel Passed

| idfg-staff

Marcus Gibbs of Grace accepted the chairmanship of the Idaho Fish and Game Commission January 17. Gibbs was appointed by Governor Dirk Kempthorne and is in his first term on the Commission. Outgoing chairman Dr. Fred Wood, Burley, was presented with an award for his service by the other six Commissioners. Wood was… more

Ask Fish and Game

| idfg-staff

Q. I keep hearing about recipes for sturgeon but Idaho's sturgeon are completely protected, are they not? A. Right, all Idaho sturgeon populations are strictly protected. If you are enjoying a sturgeon dish, the fish had better have come from Oregon or Washington where keeping sturgeon is still legal, or from a… more

Dogs Can Be A Problem For Big Game

| idfg-staff

In recent weeks, several Fish and Game officers have received complaints about dogs chasing big game animals. This seemingly natural doggy activity is very hard on wildlife at a time of year when they can least afford to be unnecessarily bothered. Big game such as elk and deer spend much of the winter conserving… more

F&G Will Host Open Houses For '02 Deer, Elk, Antelope, Black Bear And Lion Seasons

| idfg-staff

The dates, locations and times are set for three open house meetings the Magic Valley Region of Idaho Fish and Game will host the last two weeks of January. These meetings are to take public comments on options for the 2002 hunting seasons on deer, elk, antelope, black bear, and mountain lion. For those individuals… more

Weiser Cove's Problem Elk to be Trapped/Relocated

| idfg-staff

Two resident herds of rogue elk causing severe crop and fence damage in the Weiser Cove area east of Weiser may soon find themselves in a new setting. Fish and Game is gearing up to trap and relocate the elk beginning January 19. The decision to move the elk was not made lightly. "We know that some folks will be… more

Local Volunteers Help IDFG Trap Deer For Ongoing Fawn Survivability Study

| idfg-staff

ARCO - Thanks to the help of about 30 local volunteers, IDFG was able to add another chapter to its ongoing study of fawn survivability in Idaho. Volunteers of all ages showed up near Marsh Creek in Unit 50 on Saturday, January 5th, to help Department personnel trap deer. The volunteers helped to process mule deer… more

IDFG Seeking Public Comment for 2002 Big Game Seasons

| idfg-staff

LEWISTON - - Proposed changes in antlerless white-tailed deer seasons and low bull elk numbers in the Dworshak and Elk City zones are just two issues slated for discussion during a series of Idaho Fish and Game open house meetings scheduled for the last week in January. Interested individuals can discuss the… more

Public Input Sought on 2002 Big Game Hunting Proposals

| idfg-staff

Elk and deer seasons in hunt unit 39 are the primary focus for discussion during a series of upcoming Fish and Game-hosted open houses. The public is invited to attend the get together nearest them to help shape this fall's hunting seasons in Idaho's Southwest region. The open house format allows visitors to come and… more

Observant Hunter Helps Catch Moscow Poacher

| idfg-staff

KENDRICK - With elk season closed, the quick actions of a concerned deer hunter who heard nearby rifle shots and later observed a man in possession of a bull elk, resulted in a $1,625 fine and loss of hunting privileges for a Moscow man. In December 2001, Latah County Judge William Hamlett assessed Stacy Clemm, age… more

Wild Turkeys On The Move

| idfg-staff

LEWISTON -- In an effort to establish wild turkeys in suitable habitat in southeastern Idaho and to lessen landowner conflicts where turkey populations have increased to problem levels, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game has teamed up with the National Wild Turkey Federation and volunteers from the University of Idaho… more

Steelhead Limits Higher This Spring

| idfg-staff

Steelhead anglers can take more fish this spring than the official Idaho rulebook says. Fish and Game Commissioners raised the limits on steelhead for the spring season, which began January 1, when the exceptional size of the hatchery run became apparent late last year. That was well after the proclamation booklet had… more

Late, Late Harvest Report

| idfg-staff

A lot of folks who hunted big game in Idaho last fall are still a little late in filing their mandatory hunter harvest reports. But 26 years? Shortly after Fish and Game issued a reminder letter in December to hunters whose 2001 harvest reports had not been recorded, the Department received a response in a form no one… more