Press Releases and Articles
Priest Lake Background Information
| idfg-pperkins
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Fish and Game seeks information on two moose unlawfully killed
| idfg-jbruns
Conservation Officers are seeking information regarding a cow and calf moose that were killed in the early morning hours of Thursday November 2, 2017. The moose were shot near the top of Coyote Grade Road east of Lewiston.
“The moose were likely shot from the roadway and only a portion of the meat from the… more
Hunters reminded to report on deer, elk, pronghorn tags
| idfg-mdemick
Idaho Fish and Game recently mailed out 81,000 postcards and 61,000 emails reminding deer, elk, and pronghorn hunters who have not completed their harvest reports to do so soon.
Hunters are required to file a report for each tag they bought, whether they hunted or not or were successful or not, within 10 days… more
Early harvest data shows deer down and elk tracking similar to last year
| idfg-rphillips
As expected, deer harvests appear to be down so far this year and elk harvest is tracking similar to last year, but there’s plenty of season left and whitetail hunting is moving into its prime season.
Hunters have been reporting the progress of their seasons at Fish and Game’s check stations and through… more
Steelhead and salmon fishing report for the Clearwater Region (11/06/17)
| idfg-vosborn
This week saw the end of the Fall Chinook season which closed Tuesday everywhere except for below Hells Canyon Dam where only a few Chinook were caught.
Steelhead effort on the Snake remained strong with anglers adding to the number of fish harvested. Heller Bar continues to have the highest concentrations of… more
Upper Salmon River weekly steelhead report (11/06/17)
| idfg-vosborn
Steelhead angler effort downstream of North Fork was similar to what was observed during the previous week, while effort upstream of North Fork in location code 16 decreased. Angler effort upstream of Salmon remained low with only a few anglers observed over the weekend. Interviewed anglers downstream of the Middle… more
File Your Hunt Report
| idfg-pperkins
When you file your Hunter Report, you give critical hunt and harvest information to wildlife managers, which directly affects decisions about next year’s hunting seasons.
Deadline for Angler Opinion Survey approaching
| idfg-mdemick
Interested anglers are reminded they have through November 13 to take part in an online survey about fishing in Idaho.
The survey, offered every five or six years, covers a variety of topics including how often people fish and their preferred fish species, what types of fishing regulations they support, and… more
When winter weather turns nasty, wildlife retreat to private lands
| idfg-mfleming
JEROME- Last winter, Mother Nature decided to wrap Idaho in a thick, white coat of snow over much of Idaho and the Rocky Mountain west. The snow started falling early and continued to pile up throughout the winter.
Big game animals that had spent their summer and early fall in the mountains did what… more
Magic Valley Fish and Game officers are seeking information on two poaching cases
| idfg-sross
Fish and Game Officers responded to a call Sunday morning Oct. 29, from a group of hunters who found two wasted mule deer does in the desert east of Dietrich in Unit 53.
Evidence indicates the two deer were very likely killed in the evening hours of Saturday Oct. 28,… more
Nonresident elk and deer tags sold out for 2017
| idfg-rphillips
Idaho Fish and Game sold out its nonresident deer and nonresident elk tags for the first time in nearly a decade. There is no limit on over-the-counter deer and elk tags for residents.
For hunters looking forward to next year, 2018 nonresident deer and elk tags go on sale Dec. 1, 2017 for most deer and elk… more
Stocked pheasants provide opportunity for youth at Palouse River Access Yes property
| idfg-jbruns
To provide a special opportunity for youth hunters, Idaho Fish and Game has partnered with an area landowner and the Game Bird Foundation to stock pheasants each week to an area of private land near Potlatch Idaho.
Little Canyon Shooting Preserve is providing 25 roosters per week to the Palouse River… more
New fishing docks installed at Caldwell Rotary Pond
| idfg-jkozfkay
In addition to catching fish and experiencing nature, "small water" anglers often tell us that nice amenities, such as fishing docks, are an important part of enjoying this lifetime activity. Heeding that message, the Southwest Region's Fishing and Boating Access Program has focused on improving amenities at many… more
Fish and Game Commission to meet November 16-17 in Jerome
| idfg-mdemick
Idaho Fish and Game Commission will meet Nov. 16 and 17 in Jerome at Fish and Game’s Magic Valley regional office, 324 S. 417 E., Suite #1.
A public hearing will begin at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 16. Persons wanting to address the commission on any topic having to do with Fish and Game business may do so at the… more
Trapping Class Nov. 17, 18
| idfg-khatch
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game will be holding a Trapper Education Class Nov. 17 and 18 at the Magic Valley Regional Office, at 324 South 417 East, Highway 93, Jerome Idaho.
The class will go from 6 to 9 pm on Nov. 17, and from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm on Nov. 18.
The class will cover ethics… more
Upper Salmon River weekly steelhead report (10/30/17)
| idfg-vosborn
Steelhead angler effort increased considerably over the past week on the upper Salmon River. The majority of bank anglers were observed downstream of North Fork in location code 15, and boat effort was highest downstream of Salmon in location code 16. Catch rates also improved compared to the previous week.… more
Halloween Boo! Protecting Idaho Monsters
| idfg-snass
When Idaho voters created the Fish and Game Commission on November 8, 1938, to preserve, protect, perpetuate and manage ALL of Idaho’s wildlife...we aren’t sure if they had monsters in mind!
No one is certain when the first sighting of the sea monster eventually known as “Sharlie” occurred at Payette Lake,… more
Rainbow Trout Stocking Schedule
| Anonymous (not verified)
Personnel from Fish and Game's Nampa Hatchery will be releasing more than 15,000
catchable-sized rainbow trout at the following locations during November. Local ponds are the primary focus of this stocking effort due to milder weather and correspondingly cooler water temperatures.