Press Releases and Articles
Go fishing for a chance to win prizes in the 2024 Lake Pend Oreille Angler Science Program
| idfg-tjross
If you’ve spent much time fishing on Lake Pend Oreille, then maybe you’ve been lucky enough to catch a big rainbow trout. If not, you’ve likely seen pictures of the truly impressive fish that reside there.
Idaho's Steelhead Update 10/4/2024
| idfg-jdupont
Hi everybody. I’ve been getting a lot of questions about this year’s steelhead return, so I figured it was time for another Idaho steelhead update. Now that the steelhead return over Bonneville Dam is complete, I can say with confidence what the return to Idaho will be like this year.
Steelhead Returns to the… more
Upper Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Report (11-05-2024)
| idfg-bbeller
Steelhead angler effort remained high along the Upper Salmon River last week, especially over the weekend. The majority of angler effort was once again located downstream of North Fork in location code 15, and we also observed an increase in angler effort upstream of the Lemhi River in location code 17.
Average… more
Steelhead returns so far mark the highest annual returns in last 7 years, and could climb
| idfg-cliess
If you’ve been waiting for some of the best news of the year for anglers, hold on to your fishing rods. Idaho’s annual steelhead returns through the month of October are the highest they’ve been in over seven years…and still counting.
At roughly 97,000 so far, this year’s steelhead return over Lower… more
Reminder: 2025 nonresident deer/elk tags will go on sale Dec. 10, 2024
| idfg-rphillips
Idaho Fish and Game is changing its sales date for 2025 nonresident deer and elk tags to Dec. 10. The change is intended to allow residents to conveniently buy licenses and permits in early December, ensure auto-renew transactions can be processed in a timely manner, and provide better customer service to all buyers.… more
Keep your eyes open for mountain quail while upland bird hunting this season
| idfg-jbruns
Upland bird hunters are asked to keep an eye out for mountain quail as they hit the hills this fall and winter. There is no open season for mountain quail in Idaho and the bird is classified as a species of greatest conservation need.
This fall, Idaho Fish and Game has already received a number of… more
Mule Deer Advisory Committee Meeting coming up on Nov. 4 in Pocatello
| idfg-jjackson
The Southeast Region Mule Deer Advisory Committee will be meeting on Monday, Nov. 4, in Pocatello. Meeting time, location, and agenda items follow.
Southeast Region Mule Deer Advisory Committee Notice and Meeting Agenda
Nov. 4, 6 - 9 p.m.
Southeast Region Idaho Fish and Game Office
… more
F&G Commission meeting Nov. 6-7 in Salmon
| idfg-cliess
The Idaho Fish and Game Commission will hold the public hearing and business meeting at the Fish and Game Regional Office at 99 Highway 93 North in Salmon. A public hearing will begin on Nov. 6 at 7 p.m. MST at the same location. Those wishing to speak to the Commission during the public hearing will have a three-… more
Idaho Fish and Game collects dead pigeons from American Falls building for disease testing
| idfg-jjackson
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game was contacted late afternoon on Friday, Oct. 25, regarding a multitude of pigeons that were dying or already dead in and around a large unoccupied building in American Falls.
A Fish and Game conservation officer responded to the scene to discover over 200 birds that were… more
Wandering black bear cub relocated from Hailey to eastern Idaho
| idfg-tthompson
Stories are often told about how far, and quickly, wildlife can travel. Some are almost too hard to believe. Fish and Game wildlife biologists in the Magic Valley Region now have another story to tell about the black bear cub that walked well over 120 miles in about 17 days.
This bear story starts in Carmen,… more
Upper Salmon River Fall 2024 Steelhead Fishing Update (10-29-2024)
| idfg-bbeller
Angler effort along the Upper Salmon River continued to increase last week as many anglers got out to enjoy the warmer weather, especially over the weekend. The largest increase in angler effort was observed downstream of North Fork, but we also saw angler effort begin to increase around Salmon ID.
Average catch… more
Rainbow trout stocking schedule for November 2024 in the Magic Valley Region
| idfg-tthompson
As we move into winter, stocking of hatchery rainbow trout slows across the Magic Valley Region. But if you live near Filer, the Filer Kids Pond and Filer Pond are a great place to fish when the temperatures start to drop.
Hatchery personnel from Fish and Game’s Magic Valley Region will be stocking approximately… more
Hunter shoots grizzly bear in self-defense on the Caribou-Targhee National Forest
| idfg-jbrower
On the evening of Oct. 26, a hunter shot and killed a sow grizzly bear in self-defense while it was charging him as he was elk hunting north of Kilgore near Mule Meadows on the Caribou-Targhee National Forest.
The hunter was hiking through thick timber when the grizzly came out of the brush only a few… more
See a bat in or around your home? Don’t panic, here’s what you need to know
| idfg-scassinelli
Fall is a crucial time for bats as they migrate or prepare for hibernation. It’s not uncommon to find a bat roosting on the side of buildings or homes. However, there’s no need to panic; they are often just resting to conserve energy while passing through.
Bats are frequently misunderstood. They are not… more
Pheasant stocking on WMAs has started and continues into December
| idfg-cliess
Hunting pheasants on Fish and Game's wildlife management areas is a popular fall tradition for upland bird hunters. To support this tradition, pen-raised pheasants are stocked on 24 WMAs beginning in September and continuing into December.
Fish and Game will stock over 28,000 pheasants in total this year at… more
Important dates to help plan your November
| idfg-cliess
From tags sales to season openers, there’s a lot happening in Idaho during November that you should be aware of. Staying in the loop can be the difference between applying for that coveted controlled hunt tag and watching from the sidelines.
Be sure to stay up to date on all Fish and Game happenings. Here are… more
Statewide trout stocking highlights for November 2024
| idfg-cliess
Many of Idaho’s lakes and ponds are soon going to be bolstered with Idaho Fish and Game stocking roughly 12,500 catchable-sized rainbow trout this November. Wondering if the stocking trucks are going to be backing up to your favorite fishing hole? We asked our Fish and Game hatchery staff to boil down some of the most… more
Hunter education class scheduled in the Clearwater Region
| idfg-jbruns
If you want one last opportunity to take a hunter education class in Lewiston before the new year, mark out the evenings of 4-8 November on your calendar. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game will be hosting a hunter education class at their office (3316 16th St., Lewiston) on those evenings. The class… more