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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Courtesy Goes A Long Way When Asking To Hunt On Private Land

| idfg-staff

LEWISTON - With dove, forest grouse and big game archery seasons fast approaching, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) reminds hunters that a little courtesy goes a long way in obtaining permission to hunt private property. IDFG Landowner-Sportsmen Relations Coordinator, Clay Hickey believes the keys to… more

Salt and Bait For Hunting Elk and Deer Against Fair Chase Laws

| idfg-staff

OROFINO - With the big game archery season opening Saturday, August 30, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game reminds hunters that the use of bait, including salt, to attract deer or elk for the purposes of hunting is prohibited. "Idaho deer and elk hunters need to be aware that hunting over salt or bait is illegal… more

Another Great Fall Steelhead Season Anticipated

| idfg-staff

LEWISTON - With a predicted fall return of better than 150,000 steelhead returning to Idaho this fall, Idaho steelhead anglers are anxiously waiting for September 1, when the Snake, Salmon and lower Clearwater River below Memorial Bridge at Lewiston open for harvest of adipose fin-clipped fish. Although slightly… more

Resident Elk B-Tags Available

| idfg-staff

LEWISTON - Idaho still has resident elk tags available for all capped-zones of the Clearwater Region, with more than 3,465 general elk tags available as of August 19. In addition, 1,700 elk tags for the Middle Fork Zone are still available. Along with hunting licenses, hunters can purchase these tags on a first-… more

Sight In For Accuracy and Ethics

| idfg-staff

LEWISTON - With hunting season rapidly approaching, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game reminds hunters that hunting ethics begin long before going afield. Sighting in rifles is a good example. "By taking the time to prepare and become a better marksman, you show great respect for your quarry," said Kent Henderson… more

Hunters And Anglers Invited to Fish and Game Breakfast

| idfg-staff

LEWISTON - The Idaho Department of Fish and Game encourages all wildlife enthusiasts to attend a Sportsmen's Breakfast meeting to be held at the Helm Restaurant in Lewiston beginning at 6:30 a.m. on Tuesday, September 2. "We'll buy the coffee, and we hope local hunters and anglers bring their questions and comments… more

IDFG And Potlatch Team Up To Study Neotropical Birds

| idfg-staff

LEWISTON - To better understand the impacts of human activities on wildlife, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game and Potlatch Corporation have teamed up to study the habits and conditions of neotropical migratory birds. IDFG nongame biologist, Rita Dixon, and Potlatch Corporation biologist, Brian Moser, lead… more

Tag Time: August 20 Deadline For Controlled Hunts

| idfg-staff

This year for the first time, hunters who drew controlled hunt permits must purchase their tags by August 20. Tags not picked up by that date will be sold as leftover permits beginning August 30, at 10:00 a.m. Mountain Time, 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time. Fish and Game is sending out postcards to remind more than 14,… more

September Season Openers

| idfg-staff

Idaho hunting and fishing seasons open in September. A valid hunting license is required for hunting all upland game. Mourning dove season opens September 1, with a daily bag limit of 10 and shooting hours of one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. A migratory bird harvest information program validation is required… more

Waterfowl Seasons Set by Commission

| idfg-staff

Idaho will return to a zone system for this year's 107-day waterfowl seasons. The Idaho Fish and Game Commission set waterfowl seasons on August 14. Unlike elk zones, these don't restrict where a person can hunt. These zones represent different opening and closing dates in different areas of the state. After… more

Virus Takes More Whitetails

| idfg-staff

A gnat-borne virus continues to kill whitetail deer around the Kamiah area in an outbreak that may continue until the first hard frost kills the insects. Wildlife veterinarian Mark Drew said the initial diagnosis of Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD) had been confirmed August 18 by the Southeastern Cooperative… more

Ask Fish and Game

| idfg-staff

Q. I drew a permit for sandhill cranes. I heard about the Aug. 20 deadline to buy controlled hunt permits. Does that apply to cranes also? A. No, that only applies to deer, elk and antelope. You can buy your crane permit right up to the last day of your hunt.

Rainbow Trout Stocking Report

| idfg-staff

Personnel from Fish and Game's Nampa Hatchery will be releasing more than 25,000 catchable-sized rainbow trout at the following locations during August. LOCATION AND NUMBER OF TROUT Boise River (Boise) - 4,000 Boise River (Eagle to Middleton) - 2,500 Boise River (Middle Fork) - 1,500 Boise River (North Fork) - 7… more

Sight In That Favorite Rifle

| idfg-staff

With hunting seasons just around the corner, big game hunters around the region are asking themselves the same question: does my rifle shoot straight? That question can be positively answered on Saturday, September 13 at the annual Sight In event, to be held at Black's Creek Rifle Range, 2420 E. Kuna-Mora Road east of… more

Pick Up Tags Before August 20

| idfg-staff

Hunters who drew controlled hunt permits must purchase their tags before August 20. Tags not picked up on that date will be sold as leftover permits beginning August 30. The rule went into effect for the first time this year. In previous years, hunters failed to purchase tags for six to eight percent of permits… more

Some License Holders Need a Licensed Adult Along

| idfg-staff

Holders of a youth small game license and those with a nonresident junior mentored hunting license must be accompanied in the field by an adult with a valid Idaho hunting license, according to House Bill 604, passed by the Idaho Legislature in 2002. The Fish and Game Commission defined "adult" as 18 years of age or older… more

Zones Proposed for Waterfowl Season

| idfg-staff

Idaho may return to a zone system for this year's waterfowl 107-day seasons. The Idaho Fish and Game Commission is scheduled to set waterfowl seasons on August 14. Fish and Game encourages public comment before the end of business August 12. Comment may be submitted through the Internet at or… more

Ask Fish and Game

| idfg-staff

Q. I've heard that I can have more than one elk tag. How does that work? A. True, you can have more than one elk tag if you buy a tag through the usual process and then buy an unsold nonresident tag when they go on sale August 28. You will have to pay the nonresident price for this tag.