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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Eyes in Sky Give Big Picture on Deer Numbers

| idfg-staff

IDAHO FALLS - Nowadays just about everyone has a digital camera or understands how they work. There is a little button that lets you zoom in on an image or lets you back out to get the big picture. When it comes to managing mule deer and other ungulates (members of the deer family), IDFG has been working that little… more

Bald Eagle Survey Shows Decline

| idfg-staff

LEWISTON - This year's mid-winter bald eagle survey completed January 12, revealed six adults along the Snake River in northcentral Idaho, a decrease over last year, according to Joel Sauder, non-game biologist for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG). "We counted six adults, compared to a total of 19 last… more

Ask the Conservation Officer (CO)

| idfg-staff

by Gary Hompland, Regional Conservation Officer Question: "I saw a segment on the news about volunteers helping trap deer and do other fish and wildlife projects for the Fish and Game department. It looked like a lot of fun. How do I get involved in that program?" Answer: You probably saw one of the deer trapping… more

Seats Still Available in Upcoming Hunter Education Courses

| idfg-staff

LEWISTON - First time hunters interested in pursuing wild turkeys in Idaho this spring still have a few chances of getting into a mandatory hunter education course before the season begins. "There are a few seats still available in courses offered this March and April in the Lewiston-area," said BJ Lillibridge,… more

Bald Eagle Survey Shows Decline in Local Wintering Population

| idfg-staff

LEWISTON - This year's mid-winter bald eagle survey completed January 12, revealed 6 adults along the Snake River in northcentral Idaho, a decrease over last year, according to Joel Sauder, non-game biologist for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG). "We counted 6 adults, compared to a total of 19 last year… more

Two Cambridge residents receive lifetime hunting license revocations

| idfg-staff

By Evin Oneale, Regional Conservation Educator Idaho Department of Fish and Game - Southwest Region Cambridge, Idaho - Two Cambridge men found guilty of multiple poaching and other wildlife-related crimes have received lifetime hunting license revocations and been ordered to pay thousands of dollars in fines and… more

Update on Chronic Wasting Disease

| idfg-staff

By Bruce Haak, Nongame Biologist Idaho Department of Fish and Game - Southwest Region Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a rare disorder of the central nervous system found in mule deer, white-tailed deer and elk. While related to BSE (mad cow) disease in cattle and scrapie in sheep, there is no evidence that CWD is… more

Landowners Key to Potlatch River Steelhead Study

| idfg-staff

By Nathan Brindza - Idaho Department of Fish and Game Spring is right around the corner and the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) will once again be studying steelhead of the Potlatch River drainage. IDFG will install two adult steelhead weirs, one on Little Bear Creek and one on Big Bear Creek, to count… more

Idaho Seeks Permit to Manage Wolves North of I-90

| idfg-staff

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed to issue a 10(a)(1)(A) Recovery Permit to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game to manage wolves in the Idaho Panhandle north of Interstate-90, where wolves are protected under the Endangered Species Act as endangered. Idaho officials have requested the permit to "… more

Public Meetings Planned for Wolf Removal Proposal

| idfg-staff

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game plans two public meetings next month on a proposal to remove 75 percent of the wolves in the Lolo elk management zone in the Clearwater Region. The meetings will be from 5 to 9 p.m. on February 2 at the Double Tree Riverside Motel (Juniper Room) in Garden City, and on February 7… more

Idaho's First Depredation Action Takes Two Wolves

| idfg-staff

USDA Wildlife Services reports killing two wolves of the Buffalo Ridge pack last week as authorized by Idaho Fish and Game officials in response to a confirmed livestock depredation by wolves. Wolves killed one calf along the East Fork of the Salmon River in Custer County. Wildlife Services tried unsuccessfully to… more

Hunters Back Mule Deer Initiative

| idfg-staff

Most mule deer hunters in recent comments ranked habitat protection and restoration as the most important component of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game's Mule Deer Initiative. "They realize that without habitat and without habitat enhancement in winter range, we're not going to have many mule deer," Toby Boudreau… more

Commission Ups Outfitter Allocation of Tags

| idfg-staff

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission approved an increase in the number of controlled hunt permits set aside for outfitters. The commissioners at their January meeting in Boise bumped up the outfitter allocation of controlled hunt permits to six percent as part of changes to make the process more flexible. Outfitter… more

Habitat-Niche Featured at the Flicks

| idfg-staff

Habitat Niche: Places to Go, Things to Do, a wildlife film produced by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game with Wide Eye Productions, will be one of the featured films in this week's International Wildlife Film Festival visit to Boise. The film festival comes to town as part of Boise's annual Bald Eagle Days,… more

Ask Fish and Game

| idfg-staff

Q. When can I apply for a spring bear hunt? Where can I get information on the hunts that are available? A. The application period for spring bear controlled hunts is January 15 through February 15. You'll find hunt descriptions and hunt numbers in the 2005 Big Game Rules Book in the Bear Season section… more

Commission Adopts Bonus Point System

| idfg-staff

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission has decided to offer a bonus point system in controlled hunt drawings. Commissioners voted 6-1 when they met in Boise January 11-13 to adopt a bonus point system that would increase the odds of drawing a controlled hunt permit for unsuccessful applicants. Southwest Region… more

Wolf Removal Proposed in Clearwater Region

| idfg-staff

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission, in a unanimous vote, has approved a department proposal to remove up to 75 percent of the wolves in a portion of the Clearwater Region. The Commission met in Boise January 11-13, voting on the wolf issue on the last day of the meeting. Elk numbers in the Lolo elk management zone… more

Forest Service Defers Decision on Helicopter Landings in Wilderness Area

| idfg-staff

The U.S. Forest Service has put off a decision on whether to allow Idaho Department of Fish and Game biologists to land helicopters in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness. Fish and Game Director Steve Huffaker said he was "very disappointed in the decision" and "if they wait very long, our opportunity to… more