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Idaho Fish and Game

Seats Still Available in Upcoming Hunter Education Courses

LEWISTON - First time hunters interested in pursuing wild turkeys in Idaho this spring still have a few chances of getting into a mandatory hunter education course before the season begins. "There are a few seats still available in courses offered this March and April in the Lewiston-area," said BJ Lillibridge, hunter education coordinator for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG). "These courses will be the last ones offered before the spring season begins, so register now to reserve your seat." Prospective students are encouraged to view the upcoming classes on the Fish and Game website at, and determine which class best fits their schedule. Hunter education courses are taught by volunteer instructors, so class times are often varied to conform to their free time. Parents or guardians of young hunters can register at the IDFG office, 3316 16th Street in Lewiston. An address, phone number, date of birth, social security number and an $8.00 registration fee is required for each student. Individuals can also register by phone by calling 799-5010, and mail in their payment within 10 days. Students who do not register at this time will have to wait until the next registration session scheduled for mid-April. Those born after January 1, 1975, are required to complete a hunter education course if they want to hunt in Idaho. Students are encouraged to register for a course early in the year in order to complete a course in time to apply for big game controlled hunts in April and May. It is highly recommended that students planning to participate in fall hunts register for a course prior to June 30. After that date, the number of courses available is very limited due to volunteer instructor availability.