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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Legislature Weighs in on Wolf Management

| idfg-staff

The Idaho Legislature is considering a joint resolution urging the U.S. Forest Service to issue a permit to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game to land helicopters in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness to help monitor wolves. Fish and Game biologists have asked the U.S. Forest Service for permission to… more

Comment Period on Yellowstone Grizzly Delisting Extended

| idfg-staff

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has extended the public comment period on its proposal to remove the Yellowstone population of grizzly bears from the endangered species list. Robust population growth, coupled with state and federal efforts widespread public support and development of adequate regulatory mechanisms… more

Fish Advisory Issued for Priest Lake

| idfg-staff

The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare has issued a fish consumption advisory for Priest Lake for pregnant women and children because of mercury levels found in lake trout. The mercury levels in lake trout do not pose a health threat for the general public, but could affect unborn or small children. Priest Lake is… more

Ask Fish and Game

| idfg-staff

Q. If the deer or elk I shot in Wyoming this past season checked positive for chronic wasting disease, can I get sick from eating the meat now stored in my freezer? A. No evidence exists that anyone has yet. But public health officials caution hunters to avoid handling brains, spinal columns and lymph nodes when field… more

Big Game Season Open Houses Slated

| idfg-staff

Though months away, the 2006 hunting season is up for discussion at a series of open houses hosted by Fish and Game. Plan now to attend and provide input that will help shape this fall's hunting seasons in Idaho's Southwest region. To learn more about the meetings, contact Fish and Game's Nampa office at 465-8465 or the… more

Public Comments Sought on Big Game Season Proposals

| idfg-staff

Although we are in late February, Idaho Fish and Game Wildlife Managers are already thinking about the fall hunting seasons, and they want your input. Big game scoping meetings are coming up throughout Idaho. Fish and Game uses the meetings to share data on big game populations and harvest goals with hunters. At the… more

Mule Deer Committee Meets

| idfg-staff

Recent concerns about an apparently expanding mule deer population in Salmon has prompted the formation of a "Mule Deer Committee." Made up of representatives from the Police Department, Fish and Game, City Council, as well as the City of Salmon, the committee hopes to address concerns of residents. One of the… more

Public Comments on Wolf Proposal

| idfg-staff

They came early and stayed for most of the four-hour hearing. A standing-room-only crowd of more than 140 filled the meeting room of the Idaho Fish and Game Department's Lewiston office. They listened intently to the 33 who spoke on a state proposal to remove up to 43 wolves in two game management units in the Clearwater… more

Duck Hunter Survey Released

| idfg-staff

The biggest survey of duck hunters ever done shows majorities fairly satisfied with the existing seasons and bag limits. Results of the survey were released February 9. The survey was conducted for the National Flyway Council and the Wildlife Management Institute. The study of more than 10,000 duck hunters… more

Commission to Consider Big Game Seasons

| idfg-staff

Most hunters' freezers may be packed with wild game from last season, but they may want to set aside some time in the first week of March, when the Idaho Fish and Game Commission is expected to set the seasons for big game hunts. The meeting was moved up to March 1-3 because of a scheduling conflict. The earlier date… more

Ask Fish and Game

| idfg-staff

Q. How are the views of Idaho residents who oppose hunting, except for people who hunt to survive, represented on the Fish and Game Commission and in policies of the department? A. Under state law, the Fish and Game Commission is charged with responsibility to preserve, protect, perpetuate and manage "(a)ll wildlife,… more

Bobcat Pelt Checkpoint to be Held at IDFG Public Meeting

| idfg-staff

GRANGEVILLE - With the bobcat season closing February 16, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) reminds bobcat hunters and trappers that they have until Monday, February 27th to present their pelts to any IDFG regional office, the McCall office or an official check-point to obtain the appropriate tags and complete… more

Meetings Scheduled for Big Game Regulations

| idfg-staff

IDAHO FALLS - Even though most sportsmen's freezers are still packed full of wild game from last season, the winter doldrums already have everyone interested in hunting thinking about next fall, and IDFG is no exception. Regional wildlife manager Daryl Meints says, "IDFG has no major changes planned," but he still wants… more

Know Your Maps

| idfg-staff

By Neil Johnson, Wildlife Biologist, IDFG/Southwest Region The phone has finally stopped its constant ringing. We have made it to February and the public contact with Fish and Game has slowed down considerably. As I sit here, I reflect on all the calls that I have taken over the last twenty years or so. Most of… more

Bald Eagles Doing Well

| idfg-staff

Mid-January found a group of 13 agency personnel and volunteers searching the Salmon, Lemhi, and Pahsimeroi River corridors for bald eagles. Observers also noted the presence of golden eagles as well as other birds of prey such as hawks and falcons. Conducted annually since 1979, the Midwinter Bald Eagle Survey "… more

Ask the Conservation Officer (CO)

| idfg-staff

by Gary Hompland, Regional Conservation Officer Question: Is there an antler-hunting season and are there any rules about picking up shed antlers from deer and elk in Idaho? Answer: There are no Fish and Game restrictions on picking up shed antlers. For many hunters, hunting for shed antlers in the late winter… more

Provide a Helping Hand for Wildlife

| idfg-staff

When the Homestead Fire roared through the Boise Foothills this past summer, hundreds of acres of wildlife habitat went up in smoke. Habitat restoration will begin soon, and Fish and Game is looking for community- spirited volunteers to help plant bitterbrush and sagebrush seedlings to benefit future generations of deer… more

Rainbow Trout Stocking Report

| idfg-staff

Personnel from Fish and Game's Nampa Hatchery will be releasing more than 14,000 catchable-sized rainbow trout at the following locations during February. Because of high river flows, local ponds are the focus of this month's stocking efforts. LOCATION NUMBER OF TROUT Boise River (Boise) 250 Caldwell Pond #2 500… more