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Idaho Fish and Game

Duck Hunter Survey Released

The biggest survey of duck hunters ever done shows majorities fairly satisfied with the existing seasons and bag limits. Results of the survey were released February 9. The survey was conducted for the National Flyway Council and the Wildlife Management Institute. The study of more than 10,000 duck hunters nationwide was the first random opinion poll ever taken among duck hunters selected from the list of hunters who have the required federal waterfowl information validation on their licenses. Among duck hunters randomly selected in Idaho, 174 filled out the extensive questionnaire. Both nationally and in the Pacific Flyway more than 70 percent said that duck hunting was the most important or one of the most important recreational activities they have. Nationally, hunters responded that the current season length (59 percent) and current duck bag (72 percent) were about right. In the Pacific Flyway, 70 percent said the length was about right and 77 percent said the bag was about right. About half of hunters reported using a spinning wing decoy in the most recent hunting season. Fifty three percent said they should continue to be allowed with 23 percent opposed and 24 percent with no opinion. Most hunters said hunting wasn't as good as five years ago with the three most important issues being weather patterns, length of time ducks were staying in the hunters' area and number of places to hunt. More information is available at