Press Releases and Articles
River otter trapping season closed in the Salmon Region
| idfg-mdemick
The river otter harvest quota for Idaho’s Salmon Region was reached on Thursday, March 27, 2025. The otter trapping season for the entire region closes 72 hours after the harvest quota has been met. As a result, the otter season for the entire region closes at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, March 30, 2025. … more
Idaho Fish and Game relocates young bull moose from Chubbuck
| idfg-jjackson
A young bull moose stands within a fenced storage facility in Chubbuck on March 27. The moose had first been reported in town during the early morning hours. Idaho Fish and Game tranquilized and moved the moose to a more suitable habitat away from town and busy roads.Statewide trout stocking highlights for April 2025
| idfg-cliess
Many of Idaho’s lakes and ponds are soon going to be bolstered with Idaho Fish and Game stocking over 207,000 catchable-sized rainbow trout this April. Wondering if the stocking trucks are going to be backing up to your favorite fishing hole? We asked our Fish and Game hatchery staff to boil down some of the most… more
Rainbow trout stocking schedule for April 2025 in the Magic Valley Region
| idfg-tthompson
Hatchery personnel from Fish and Game’s Magic Valley Region will be stocking approximately 62,325 10-12” catchable-sized rainbow trout in April. All stocking dates and numbers of fish are approximate.
Stocking of all waters is tentative and dependent on river/lake/pond conditions (angler safety concerns); dates… more
ICYMI: Idaho Fish and Game Commission Meeting March 26, 2025
| idfg-cliess
Topics covered include: 2025 spring Chinook salmon fisheries season setting; 2025-2026 big game season setting; spearfishing seasons and rules; and more.
Time to welcome in spring with the April trout stocking schedule for the Panhandle
| idfg-tjross
If you're looking for a good way to kick off spring, look no further. Over 38,000 catchable-size (10 to 12 inch) rainbow trout will be stocked in the Panhandle Region in April.
Stocking of all waters is tentative and dependent on river/lake/pond conditions (angler safety concerns); dates may… more
Important dates to help plan your April
| idfg-cliess
From tags sales to general season openers, there’s a lot happening in Idaho during April that you should be aware of. Staying in the loop can be the difference between applying for that coveted controlled hunt tag and watching from the sidelines.
Be sure to stay up to date on all Fish and Game happenings.… more
Salmon Region rainbow trout stocking schedule for April
| idfg-mdemick
Anglers will have approximately 1,850 freshly stocked trout to catch at the following locations in April:
Hunter education class scheduled in April at Clearwater Region office
| idfg-jbruns
Idaho Fish and Game will be hosting a hunter education class at their office (3316 16th St., Lewiston) in April. This may be last opportunity for hunter ed in Lewiston this spring before turkey season.
The class schedule is as follows:
4/7/2025 - 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM
4/8/2025 - 5:30 PM to 8:30… more
F&G Commission sets spring Chinook seasons for April 26
| idfg-cliess
During its March meeting, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission set the spring Chinook seasons to open on April 26 in the Clearwater, Snake, and Salmon River drainages.
The set seasons and bag limits are as follows. (Note: These are partial spring Chinook seasons and rules; the full seasons and rules will be… more
Upper Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Report (03-25-2025)
| idfg-bbeller
Hi everyone, this is the Upper Salmon River steelhead fishing report for March 25, 2025. The data discussed in this report was collected between Monday, March 17th and Sunday, March 23rd.
The steelhead fishing remained good last week in most areas along the Upper Salmon River. Last week was the first time this… more
Bear Lake fishery focus of April 9 public meeting
| idfg-jjackson
This is a joint press release between Idaho Fish and Game and the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
BEAR LAKE — Fisheries staff from the Idaho Department of Fish and Game and the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources will share updates on the Bear Lake fishery and work plans for 2025 at an upcoming public meeting… more
Southfork Clearwater Localized Broodstock End of Program Report: Another successful year!
| idfg-staff
By Alex de los Rios
The Idaho Fish and Game South Fork Clearwater Localized Broodstock program wrapped up after a big collection week on Saturday, March 15! We want to extend our thanks to the countless anglers from all over who contributed to meeting our broodstock goal. We couldn’t have done it without you.… more
Public meeting to discuss Fish and Game's Strategic Plan scheduled in the Magic Valley Region
| idfg-tthompson
Idaho Fish and Game’s Magic Valley Region will be hosting a public meeting to gather input for the 2025 Strategic Plan Update on Tuesday, April 1, at 6 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Magic Valley Region office located at 324 S. 417 E. in Jerome, just off Highway 93.
Fish and Game’s mission is to “… more
Moose, bighorn sheep, and mountain goat controlled hunt application period opens April 1
| idfg-cliess
The application period for moose, bighorn sheep, and mountain goat controlled hunts opens April 1 and runs through April 30. Hunters can apply online, at any Fish and Game office, license vendor, or by calling 1 (800) 554-8685.
Apply online at
Resident and nonresident can apply for… more
Dust off the fishing rod and plan your next family fishing outing this spring
| idfg-cliess
Old man winter has finally hit the bricks, and as the temperatures creep up fish get a little more active and Idaho Fish and Game stocking trucks start delivering more fish across the state.
Maybe ol’ Saint Nick delivered a new fishing pole to a kid during Christmas, or your trusty old fishing rod has been… more
2025 Lake Pend Oreille “State of the Lake” informational video is available to watch online prior to the March 27 open house
| idfg-tjross
The Lake Pend Oreille “State of the Lake” informational video is now available online. Please visit the Lake Pend Oreille Fisheries website or click the video below to watch it.
Idaho Fish and Game warns motorists about elk on I-15 near Chubbuck
| idfg-jjackson
Motorists should be aware of a herd of elk occupying open fields north of Chubbuck and Pocatello near New Day Parkway. Some of these elk have been observed occasionally congregating at the fence on the east side of Interstate-15 and even on the on-ramp associated with the parkway. There have also been elk… more