Idaho Fish and Game staff and volunteers in the Panhandle Region will be hosting a Youth Marksmanship Skills Workshop on Sept. 16 at the Farragut Shooting Range Center in Athol.

Youth marksmanship skills workshop to be hosted in the Panhandle Region on Sept. 16
Youth hunters: sight your gun in now before big game seasons start

The workshop is for youth, ages 9 to 17 who have successfully completed hunter education.
The workshop will provide participants the opportunity for one-on-one instruction and guidance on shooting safety and essentials, with particular focus on the mechanics of sighting in a scope. Even better, individual instruction will be provided by NRA-certified instructors.
The workshop is participatory in nature, and some of the skills taught will include:
- Basics of gun safety
- Basic shooting terminology and techniques
- Mechanics of sighting in a rifle scope
Participants will need to bring the rifle they intend to use during the 2023 big game hunting seasons and at least one box of ammunition. Please note that reloads are not allowed. Participants will also need to bring their own eye and ear protection.

The workshop will run from 12 to 4 p.m. on Sept. 16 at the Farragut Shooting Range Center. Registration is required, and you can register here. The cost of the class is $15 per student.
Verification of hunter education certification will need to be demonstrated by showing a hunter education card or a 2023 hunting license.
Per state regulations, any participants under the age of 12 must have a parent, guardian or other designated adult present during live fire activities.
This workshop is one of the new “Hunting and Shooting Sport Skills” classes being offered across the state. Classes vary widely, but can include field dressing and skinning, handguns 101, shotgunning 101, CWD sampling and much more. Check here for current and future class offerings.
If you’re looking for in-person hunter, trapper or wolf trapper education classes, check out our Hunter Education Programs page. And remember, there is also an online, self-paced hunter education option.
For additional information, contact Volunteer Services Coordinator, Heidi Knapp, at (208) 769-1414.
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