Are you a fan of the Edson Fichter Nature Area in Pocatello? With a fishing pond, access to the river, paved trails, pretty scenery, and watchable wildlife who wouldn’t be? To make sure everyone has a safe, enjoyable experience at this southeast Idaho gem -- please do these “Dos” and don’t do the “Don’ts”.
- DO bring your fishing pole and, if over 13 years old, your valid Idaho fishing license. The fishing pond is regularly stocked with fish! There is a six-fish limit per angler.
- DON’T bring your float tubes, canoes, kayaks, or snorkels unless you are accessing the Portneuf River. There is no boating or swimming in the fishing pond. Well… the fish can swim in the pond, so can the ducks and geese. But to be fair, they can’t use kayaks or canoes either.
- DO bring your dog! On a leash, please! Even if your dog is friendly, well-mannered, the best boy or girl, or just sitting next to you while you fish…your dog must be on a leash. Pups can be off-leash only when playing in the special dog pond (which is just for them) and also in the area south/southeast of the dog pond as shown on the maps posted at the nature area. However, dogs must still be under owner-control at those designated off-leash areas.
- DON’T let your dog swim in the fish pond, and for that matter, don’t try fishing in the dog pond.
- DO bring your bike or wear your walking shoes. There are some paved trails that wind through the nature area and connect to the Portneuf Greenway.
- DON’T leave behind fishing line, fishing hooks (ouch!), containers of worms, lunch wrappers, soda cans, and your dog’s “unmentionables” (gross!). DO use the provided fishing line receptacles, doggy waste bag stations, and garbage dumpsters. Please and thank you!
- DO bring the whole family… or maybe you really need a break from them…and so then it’s okay to fib and say you went to the store to run errands when in fact you took a really good book or your fishing pole and hung out at the nature area for an hour… or three.
- DON’T get too close to wildlife (unless you are hooking a fish!) and DON’T feed wildlife (unless you are putting a worm in a fish’s mouth via a hook). However, “oohing and ahhing” over baby ducks, photographing bald eagles, and catching glimpses of deer is absolutely allowed.
- DO have a great time!
Have questions or need more information about the Edson Fichter Nature Area? Call the Idaho Department of Fish and Game regional office in Pocatello at 208-232-4703.