Fish and Game continues to receive reports of mountain lions in McCall. Mountain lions have been reported in neighborhoods near the river, such as Rio Vista and Mather Road, as well as in Spring Mountain Ranch.

Mountain lions likely spending winter in McCall

“It is likely these lions will continue to move through town throughout the rest of winter,” said Regan Berkley, regional wildlife manager. “The town deer herd provides a large prey base, and surrounding areas have deep snow and no prey.”
The majority of reports have come from doorbell or security cameras, mostly from unoccupied residences.
Fish and Game advises residents throughout town to review mountain lion safety tips, even if cats have not been observed in their neighborhoods. These include:
- Keep pets on leash when walking, and inside at night.
- Avoid walking or running during nighttime, dawn or dusk hours. Try to walk in pairs or groups, even during daylight.
- Block all access to areas under decks or homes, to prevent those spaces being used as bedding areas.
- If you encounter a mountain lion, do not run. Make eye contact and make yourself look large and threatening.
- Do not feed deer in town.
Fish and Game encourages residents to continue reporting mountain lion sightings to the McCall office at 634-8137 so that staff can continue to monitor the cats’ movements and behavior.