Night-time trail camera photos indicate one or possibly two mountain lions are still using neighborhoods near the river corridor in McCall. Fish and Game has also investigated and removed several dead deer in neighborhoods near the river, some of which have been killed by mountain lions.

Mountain lion sightings continue in McCall
Residents reminded to take precautions, report sightings to F&G
"Lions are undoubtedly staying here because of high deer numbers in town," said Regan Berkley, regional wildlife manager.
Residents, especially those in the Rio Vista and Mather Road areas, are reminded to keep pets inside at night, use motion sensor lights to help discourage mountain lions from using their yards, and to let Fish and Game know if they observe a mountain lion. They are also encouraged to block any access to areas under decks or homes after Fish and Game staff recently hazed a mountain lion out from under a deck on Mather Road.
"We do want residents to continue to report sightings, so that we can continue to monitor this mountain lion's behavior and movement patterns," Berkley said.
Sightings can be reported to the McCall Fish and Game office at 208-634-8137.
Fish and Game staff have distributed door hangers in neighborhoods the lion has been using. These hangers include safety tips about living with mountain lions, and what to do if people observe or encounter one. These tips include carrying safety equipment and walking with friends, and keeping pets on leashes and checking your yard before letting them outside.
If you observe a lion, do not run. Instead, make yourself look large, and make noise to scare the mountain lion away. Back away slowly and maintain eye contact until you can safely enter a home or vehicle.