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Idaho Fish and Game

White Sturgeon swimming in MKNC pond

MK Nature Center Announces Fall Evening Lecture Lineup


The MK Nature Center will be hosting four evening lectures this fall for adults! All lectures are at the MK Nature Center at 600 S. Walnut Street in Boise. Each lecture starts at 6:30 p.m. and admission is free. Mark your calendars and join us in learning more about wildlife and wildlife management in Idaho!

September 25-Steelhead Management-IDFG Fisheries Biologist, Alexa Ballinger, will share field techniques that IDFG uses to monitor wild salmon and steelhead at every life stage. Come find out how these different techniques work together to illustrate the life cycle of a migratory salmonid. 6:30 pm.

October 16-Sturgeon-White Sturgeon are famous for being the largest freshwater fish in North America. Idaho is home to several populations of these amazing creatures in the Snake and Kootenai rivers. Martin Koenig – Sportfishing Program Coordinator – will dive into the history of sturgeon fishing in Idaho and current conservation efforts happening to manage these ancient giants. 6:30 pm.

November 19 –Forest Carnivores-Wolverine, fisher, and Canada lynx, Ohh my! IDFG Wildlife Biologist Cory Mosby will walk us through the ecology of three charismatic forest carnivores found in our state. 6:30 pm.

December 11 –Woodpeckers-Jon Dudley from the US Forest Service, will share research monitoring the effectiveness of forest restoration treatments for white-headed woodpeckers. Can forest thinning and prescribed burning support white-headed populations? 6:30 pm.