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Idaho Fish and Game

grizzly bear

Hunters in Eastern Idaho should be ‘Bear Aware’ this fall


Being 'Bear Aware' can help you avoid an unwanted bear encounter or attack

As fall hunting season approaches, Fish and Game is reminding hunters in the Upper Snake Region to be vigilant about bear safety while out in the field. With increased bear activity this year, it’s crucial to take necessary precautions to avoid encounters and ensure both your safety and the safety of Idaho’s wildlife.

“Hunters in Eastern Idaho, especially those hunting in Island Park and the west slope of the Tetons, should be aware that we have seen lots of grizzly activity in recent months,” says Matt Pieron Upper Snake Regional Supervisor. “Idaho’s grizzly population is increasing, and bears are showing up in places where people aren’t used to seeing them.”

The act of hunting often comes with an increased risk of encountering bears. Sneaking silently through the woods while using game calls can be an effective method for hunting but may also draw in bears. While stealth is an important aspect of most hunts, here are some things that hunters can do to decrease their chances of an unwanted bear encounter. 


Bear Awareness Tips for Hunters:


  • Hunt with a Partner- While not always feasible, hunting with a partner or group will make bears less likely to approach. In the event of an encounter, multiple people can help deter a bear. 


  • Make Noise- This may sound a bit silly while hunting, and we get that this is not something hunters are going to do while pursuing game. But when you are not actively hunting, like when hiking in and out of your hunting spot or when near camp, alerting a bear of your presence is the best way to avoid a surprise encounter. This is especially important after dark, or when in dense brush near water sources where visibility is limited.


  • Carry Bear Spray- Bear spray is your best defense in the event of a close encounter, but it won’t work if it’s buried in your pack. Make sure it’s easily accessible and know how to use it properly. Firearms can be effective, but bear spray has been proven more reliable and easier to use when deterring aggressive bears.


  • Pack Meat Out as soon as Possible- The longer meat lies on the ground, the higher the chances of it attracting a bear. If meat must be left overnight, hang it at least 10 feet off the ground and 4 feet from any tree or structure in a location that can easily be seen from a distant observation point. Quickly separate the gut pile from the meat by at least 100 yards.


  • Stay Alert- Pay attention to your surroundings. Look for signs of bear activity, such as tracks, scat, or claw marks. If you see fresh signs, consider hunting in a different area.


  • Know the Difference- Idaho is home to both black bears and grizzly bears. Learn to identify the species by their physical characteristics and behavior. Grizzlies have a prominent shoulder hump, fuzzy rounded ears and a dish shaped face, while black bears lack a prominent shoulder hump and have longer pointier ears with a straighter face profile.




Bear Identification

What to Do in a Bear Encounter:


- If You See a Bear in the Distance- Stay calm, back away slowly, and do not run. Give the bear plenty of space to move away.


- If a Bear Approaches You- Stand your ground, speak firmly, and if the bear continues to approach, use your bear spray as a deterrent.


- If a Bear Charges- Hold your ground, aim your bear spray downward toward the bears chest, and deploy it when the bear is within 20-30 feet.


By taking these precautions, hunters can minimize the risk of bear encounters and contribute to a safer hunting season for everyone. “We want everyone to experience a safe and successful hunting season,” says Pieron. “Take a moment to review bear safety practices before heading into the field.” 

For more information on bear safety, visit the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee website at or contact your nearest Fish and Game office.