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Idaho Fish and Game

Moose creek drawdown

VIDEO: How F&G is improving family fishing at Moose Creek Reservoir


Moose Creek Reservoir is one of dozens of family fishing waters across the state that are managed to provide a safe and fun fishing experience where anglers will have a good chance of catching fish.  

Managing these waters is not without challenges. Such is the case at Moose Creek Reservoir where invasive pondweed can limit angler’s ability to fish. In 2018, the pondweed became so thick that anglers could hardly fish. To solve this problem, Fish and Game conducted a partial winter drawdown. 

The drawdown allowed the root system of the invasive vegetation to be exposed to freezing temperatures, effectively killing pondweed throughout the reservoir. Managers found this strategy to work better than more costly options such as herbicide treatment or dredging. The drawdown in 2018 opened up 80% of the lake to anglers, lasting nearly 6 years. 

Moose Creek Reservoir Pondweed
Moose Creek Reservoir before winter drawdown
Moose Creek Reservoir during winter drawdown

Pondweed has once again spread throughout Moose Creek Reservoir severely limiting fishing opportunities. Another winter drawdown is in progress for this winter. Because of the drawdown, Rainbow trout stocking did not take place at Moose Creek Reservoir during fall 2024. As such, those people who like to ice fish at Moose Creek Reservoir are encouraged to fish the surrounding area reservoirs this winter. Rainbow Trout stocking will resume in Moose Creek Reservoir during the spring 2025 and will provide the same quality fishing as it has in the past. 

Because of concerns that the drawdown might reduce survival of bass and bluegill that occur in the lake, Fish and Game collected many of these fish and transported them to Johnson Pond in the Salmon Region. This pond will now provide a new family fishing experience for that community for decades to come.

Please contact the Clearwater regional office (208) 799-5010 for more information about these efforts. 
