Current and Upcoming Projects
Winter Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring: Each winter, IDFG staff monitors dissolved oxygen levels under the ice to assess the likelihood of winter fish kill events. Oxygen levels start out high during the early ice season, but decline through the winter as the amount of snow/ice increases and inhibits light from passing through to facilitate photosynthesis. Oxygen levels have been holding strong through the first few surveys, but we will continue to monitor them throughout the ice season.
Henrys Lake Spawn: Each “spring”, IDFG hatchery staff conducts the Henrys Lake spawn! We collect eggs and milt from Henrys Lake Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout to produce millions of fish that get stocked in waterbodies all over the state, as well as Henrys Lake itself. We also combine Henrys Lake Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout eggs with Rainbow Trout milt, and then “pressure treat” the fertilized eggs to create the famous Henrys Lake hybrids that we all love catching. This year’s spawning operations will be happening from early-mid February through the first week of March.
Annual Gillnetting Survey: Every spring right at ice-out, IDFG staff conducts the annual Henrys Lake gillnetting survey. Information gathered from this survey allows us to monitor trends in abundance, size, growth, and age-structure of fish in Henrys Lake. This information also helps inform the stocking strategy, or if we need any changes in regulations for future years.