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Idaho Fish and Game

American Red Cross

Fish and Game sponsors blood drive in the Magic Valley


A goal of 45 pints of blood has been set for the blood drive

The staff at the Magic Valley Region are excited to show their support and commitment to the residents of the Magic Valley by sponsoring a blood drive on August 16 from 11 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the Magic Valley Regional office in Jerome. The office is located at 324 South 417 East, Jerome.

The goal of the blood drive is 45 pints of blood.

Fish and Game employees are well aware of the critical role that blood donors play in the lives to those whose lives may depend on the generous donation of blood.

The blood drive is a great opportunity for those who value Idaho’s fish and wildlife resources to also show their support to the critical role that the American Red Cross plays in everyone’s lives in Idaho. 

Sign up to be a blood doner is easy! Please follow this link and sign up today -

If you have questions, please call the Magic Valley Regional Office at (208) 324-4359.