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Idaho Fish and Game

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Application period for F&G Commission Community Challenge Grants is open until April 15


Program provides funding for nonprofit groups' projects that enhance fish and wildlife and recreation opportunities

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission's Community Challenge Grant program is open for applications March 1 through April 15. Grants provide competitive funding for officially recognized nonprofit organizations to implement projects that are broadly supported by the local sporting community and enhance fish and wildlife habitat, populations or associated recreational opportunities.  

The Commission Community Challenge Grant program consists of two different awards:

  • Regional Grants: Projects that benefit a local or regional scale are eligible for up to $10,000 made available through each Fish and Game Region.
  • Statewide Grants: Projects that benefit the state or multiple regions are eligible for up to $30,000 made available for the entire state.   

Who may apply?

Groups eligible for Community Challenge Grant money include any officially recognized nonprofit (e.g. 501(c)(3)), business (having a state/federal tax ID number), corporation, or recognized regional/state/national sporting organization (such as Ducks Unlimited, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, etc.).

Private individuals are not eligible for grant funding. Applicants must be willing to provide match, either money, or in-kind support. 

When to apply; when grants are awarded

Grant applications will be accepted from March 1 through April 15 with grant awards announced during the July Fish and Game Commission meeting.

Where to apply

  • Grant applications for statewide grants should be sent to the headquarters office  (via email or usps) care of Legislative and Community Engagement Coordinator Ellary Tucker-Williams at P.O. Box 25, Boise, ID, 83707.
  • Regional grants should be mailed to the corresponding Regional Fish and Game offices

How to apply

Submit a proposal letter that includes the following information:

  • Applicant name – name of the organization and a brief description (or website link) describing the mission of the organization.
  • Amount of funding requested.
  • Need – a description of the need for the project and how it will benefit fish, wildlife, and/or associated recreation.
  • Project details – a description of the actions that will be taken to complete the project.
  • Budget details – a description of how the budget will be used, with anticipated line-item expenditures.  Include description of match, whether it be cash or in-kind support.
  • Project closeout – a description of when the project will be completed and a completion report submitted.

Grant Application Evaluation Criteria

A panel consisting of Fish and Game Commission members and staff will evaluate applications and rank them based on the following criteria:

  • Project supports fish and wildlife-based recreation, including hunting, fishing, or trapping
  • Project addresses a high-priority regional or statewide management need;
  • Longevity of the project (how long will benefits last);
  • Number of fish or wildlife species benefited:
  • Project has a high likelihood of completion and successfully addressing the need;
  • Project has strong community and/or sporting group(s) support;
  • Budget is realistic and includes necessary match.  There is no minimum match requirement, but consideration will be given to the level of match being contributed. Match can be in the form of money or in-kind support.
  • Project is consistent with the Idaho Fish and Game mission to preserve, protect perpetuate, and manage the fish and wildlife of Idaho and to provide continued supplies for hunting, fishing, and trapping.

Anyone with questions about Commission Challenge Grants can call (208) 334-3771.