Salmon and steelhead days Sept. 9-11
The 19th Annual Idaho Salmon and Steelhead Days will be Wednesday through Friday, September 9-11 at Idaho Fish and Game's Morrison Knudsen (MK) Nature Center in Boise.
Idaho Salmon and Steelhead Days is a hands-on, outdoor learning event designed to increase awareness and appreciation for salmon, steelhead, and Pacific lamprey. The event represents a collaborative effort by several entities and is made possible with donations from area businesses and about 300 volunteers. The overall goal is to help students learn about the biology, history and economic and cultural significance of these amazing fish.
Approximately 1500-2000 fifth grade students participate each year. The nature center receives many requests from schools who want their fifth graders to attend, but because of the high interest, managers carefully invite schools on a rotating basis.
The event includes variety of activities, such as "Gyotaku" - the Japanese art of fish printing - Class in the Creek, the Salmon Maze, Salmon and Our History, and others. A Stream Walk will also be open for viewing live Chinook salmon and kokanee.
The nature center is located behind Idaho Fish and Game headquarters, 600 S. Walnut Street in Boise.
While the event is not open to the general public, volunteers who want to help are welcome. To volunteer, contact Margaret Anderson at 208-378-5299, or
For more information on the event, go to:, or the Idaho Salmon and Steelhead Days Facebook page.