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Idaho Fish and Game

Final Reminder: Purchase Controlled Hunt Tags by Saturday August 1

Big game hunters who were successful in drawing controlled hunt tags for deer, elk, pronghorn, and black bear have until 11:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time, Saturday, August 1 to buy their tags. Hunters were once able to wait to purchase their Idaho controlled hunt tag on the day they planned to hunt. Do not try that this year. If you do, the tag won't be there. Several years ago, a hunter who did not draw a tag in the annual drawing noticed in a harvest summary report that some tags for great hunts were drawn but never purchased. A few of the lucky individuals whose names had been drawn must have changed their plans, so they never purchased the tag. Others may not have noticed the post card they received in the mail notifying them that they had successfully drawn a tag. Popular tags went unsold even though people had applied for and drawn them. The hunter suggested that the Idaho Fish and Game Commission set a deadline date for the purchase of controlled hunt tags. He suggested there be a second drawing for tags not purchased by the deadline. The Commission responded. The date of August 1 was established as a deadline for successful applicants to purchase tags. Post cards are mailed to the address provided by successful applicants. News release reminders tell people to purchase their tags by August 1. The IDFG website posts articles about the deadline. However, it is the individual applicant's responsibility to check online or watch for a post card to see if they were drawn for a tag. ParentsÉif your youngster drew a tag, remember to buy it now! Your kids probably didn't check online to see if they drew. Big game hunters who were drawn in controlled hunt drawings for deer, elk, antelope and bear hunts have only until August 1 to purchase their tags. Any tags not purchased by that date will be forfeited. Tags may be purchased at any Fish and Game office, any license vendor, by telephone (800-554-8685), or online. Between August 2 and August 4, IDFG will compile a list of forfeited tags. A second drawing will be held to award the forfeited tags. The application period for this second drawing runs from August 5 to 15. The drawing will be held around August 20. Any tags left after that drawing will go on sale over the counter on August 25. A small number of controlled hunts have very early start dates. If there are tags available for the very early hunts (some open August 1), they may be sold over the counter on or around August 6. A list of early leftover (or unclaimed) tags will be 1 on the IDFG website prior to the sale date.