Payment for $51.75 must be submit through the IDFG License Vendor. Refer to the attached restrictions and guidelines.
- Note: a nonrefundable fee of $51.75 is required to process a Scientific Collecting Permit application. Please submit this payment through the IDFG License Vendor website before submitting a Scientific Collecting Permit application.
- Fill in all required spaces.
- After your application has been submit, it will be routed to the appropriate Region(s) Office(s) for comments and approval or disapproval. After Regional reviews have been completed, the application will be returned to the Boise office for final processing.
- All applicants must submit a project proposal or study plan as well as background experience
- If you do not know a specific stream name, please give the higher order stream name. For example, if you want to survey streams within Mores Creek drainage but do not know their names or they are unnamed, say "tributaries of Mores Creek".
- ALLOW UP TO SIX WEEKS FOR PROCESSING. Do not expect the permit to be issued on short notice.
- Permits issued must be kept on your person at all times while in the field.
- A report will be required upon completion of work or upon expiration of a current permit. No renewal permit will be issued until a current and complete report of work is on file with the Department.
If your have questions concerning a Fisheries permit, please call 208-334-3791 or e-mail Angela Kell or Kendra Winters.
If you have questions concerning a Wildlife permit please phone 208-334-2920 or e-mail Wildlife Bureau or Rex Sallabanks