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Idaho Species Catalog
Explore wildlife in Idaho. Report sightings of wildlife and roadkill.
Browse speciesThe Idaho Fish and Game Citizens Shooting Range Advisory Committee will hold its fourth meeting on Feb. 24 at 6 p.m. MST at Fish and Game's headquarters building at 600 S. Walnut Street in Boise. The meeting will be streamed live via Zoom.
Idaho Fish and Game’s electronic salmon and steelhead permits (e-tags) are available at all vendors, or through the Go Outdoors Idaho mobile app. Remember, if you buy a paper tag, you're ineligible for e-tagging so ask for it when you buy from a license vendor.
It’s time again to see how your latest trophy animal measures up! Idaho Fish and Game is hosting a Big Game Scoring Day on Thursday, March 13, at the Southeast Region Office in Pocatello.
The Hook and Bulletin just fired off its 50th episode, and we’re excited to take this podcast even further down the line, including future interviews with the folks that make Idaho Fish and Game tick and the fish and wildlife they devote their lives to protecting, preserving, perpetuating, and managing.
Fish and Game will be setting new seasons for upcoming spring and summer Chinook salmon and gathering public input on the upcoming season proposals from Feb. 14 to March 1. The 2025 spring Chinook salmon seasons and limits are scheduled to be set by the Idaho Fish and Game Commission during its March 26 meeting in Boise. Summer Chinook salmon seasons are usually set in June.
One of the most fascinating features of many fish is their scales. These tiny, often overlooked structures play a big role in a fish’s survival, protection and movement through water. It's important to know there are three different types of scales that are present in Idaho’s fishes. They can have no scales on their body like Pacific lamprey, or they can have one of the following three types, being cycloid, ctenoid, or ganoid.
Fish and Game volunteers collected millions of sagebrush seeds in late fall. Then they returned and replanted thousands of acres north of Emmett with 40 million sagebrush and bitterbrush seeds so when spring arrives, new plants will grow to benefit animals that rely on them.
Explore wildlife in Idaho. Report sightings of wildlife and roadkill.
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