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Idaho Species Catalog
Explore wildlife in Idaho. Report sightings of wildlife and roadkill.
Browse speciesOne of the most fascinating features of many fish is their scales. These tiny, often overlooked structures play a big role in a fish’s survival, protection and movement through water. It's important to know there are three different types of scales that are present in Idaho’s fishes. They can have no scales on their body like Pacific lamprey, or they can have one of the following three types, being cycloid, ctenoid, or ganoid.
Fish and Game volunteers collected millions of sagebrush seeds in late fall. Then they returned and replanted thousands of acres north of Emmett with 40 million sagebrush and bitterbrush seeds so when spring arrives, new plants will grow to benefit animals that rely on them.
Idaho Fish and Game is holding a wolf trapper certification class during the 2025 Idaho Sportsman Show at Expo Idaho in Garden City, on Saturday, March 1, and there is still space available. Everyone who pre-registers for this wolf trapper certification course will have their entry fee for the Idaho Sportsman Show waived for Saturday – all they will need to do is present their confirmation email at the entry gate for the Sportsman Show.
Attention Trappers! Bobcat checks will take place prior to the big game season setting public meeting. Each trapper will be charged a $1.75 administration fee and $3 per pelt.
"Without disturbance, wetlands will continue to close in with cattails and other dominant vegetation, choking out new growth and limiting benefits to waterfowl as well as sportsmen’s access," says Fish and Game Regional Habitat Biologist Maria Pacioretty.
Overall, fawn ratios were similar or slightly above the long-term average. The results from Weiser-McCall DAU were noteworthy, where biologists observed the highest fawn:doe ratios dating back to 2011. Biologists observed an uptick in the fawn:doe ratio in the Smoky-Boise DAU.
The Idaho Fish and Game Citizens Shooting Range Advisory Committee will hold its third meeting on Feb. 13 at 6 p.m. MST at Fish and Game's headquarters building at 600 S. Walnut Street in Boise. The meeting will be streamed live via Zoom.
Fish and Game staff will be stocking more than 5,500 catchable-size (10 to 12 inch) trout in the Southwest Region in February.
Explore wildlife in Idaho. Report sightings of wildlife and roadkill.
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