Genus |
Solanum |
Forest Nightshade |
Species |
Solanum americanum (Black Nightshade) |
Black Nightshade, American Black Nightshade, American Nightshade, Bitter-gumma, Black-calalu, Glossy Nightshade, Jagueribo, Popolo-kikania, Small-flowereed Nightshade, Apple Of Sodom, Bird Pepper, Common Nightshade, Common Purple Nightshade, Purple Nightshade (common), Smallflower Nightshade |
Species |
Solanum carolinense (Carolina Horse-nettle) |
Carolina Horse-nettle, Carolina Horsenettle, Carolina Nightshade, Florida Horsenettle, Horse Nettle, Horse-Nettle, Sand Brier, Apple Of Sodom, Ball Nightshade, Bull Nettle, Devil's Tomato, Horsenettle, Sand Briar |
Species |
Solanum douglasii (Douglas' Horse-nettle) |
Douglas' Horse-nettle, Green-spot Nightshade, Greenspot Nightshade |
Species |
Solanum dulcamara (Climbing Nightshade) |
Climbing Nightshade, Bittersweet, European Bittersweet, Bitter Nightshade, Bittersweet Nightshade, Blue Nightshade, Fellenwort, Woody Nightshade, Fellen |
Species |
Solanum elaeagnifolium (Silverleaf Nightshade) |
Silverleaf Nightshade, White Nightshade, Silver Leaf Nightshade, Tomato Weed, White Horsenettle |
Species |
Solanum heterodoxum (Different-glory Nightshade) |
Different-glory Nightshade, Melon-leaf Nightshade, Melonleaf Nightshade |
Species |
Solanum interius (Inland Nightshade) |
Inland Nightshade, Deadly Nightshade |
Species |
Solanum nigrum (Black Nightshade) |
Black Nightshade, Black Night Shade, Blackberry Nightshade, European Black Nightshade, Hound's-berry, Sunberry, Deadly Nightshade, Garden Nightshade, Wonderberry |
Species |
Solanum physalifolium (Ground-cherry Nightshade) |
Ground-cherry Nightshade, Hoe Nightshade, Hairy Nightshade |
Species |
Solanum rostratum (Buffalo Bur) |
Buffalo Bur, Buffalobur Nightshade, Buffalo-bur, Colorado Bur, Kansas Thistle, Mexican Thistle, Sand Bur, Texas Thistle, Buffalobur, Horned Nightshade |
Species |
Solanum sarrachoides (Hairy Nightshade) |
Hairy Nightshade, Nightshade, Hoe Nightshade |
Species |
Solanum triflorum (Cutleaf Nightshade) |
Cutleaf Nightshade, Cut-Leaved Nightshade, Cut-leaf Nightshade |