Species |
Prenanthella exigua (Desert Prenanthella) |
Desert Prenanthella, Feeble Prenanthela, Bright-white, Brightwhite, Feeble Prenanthella, Thorny Skeleton Plant |
Species |
Prenanthes alata (Western Rattlesnake-root) |
Western Rattlesnake-root, Western Rattlesnakeroot |
Species |
Prenanthes sagittata (Arrow-leaf Rattlesnake-root) |
Arrow-leaf Rattlesnake-root, Arrowleaf Rattlesnakeroot |
Species |
Primula alcalina (Alkali Primrose) |
Alkali Primrose, Bluedome Primrose, Shepherd's Cress |
Species |
Primula brodheadae (A Primrose) |
Species |
Primula cusickiana (Wallowa Primrose) |
Wallowa Primrose, Cusick's Primrose |
Species |
Primula incana (Jones' Primrose) |
Jones' Primrose, Jones Primrose, Silvery Primrose, Hoary Primrose |
Species |
Primula parryi (Parry's Primrose) |
Parry's Primrose, Bog Primrose, Brook Primrose, Parry Primrose |
Species |
Primula sp. 1 (Wilcox's Primrose) |
Wilcox's Primrose |
Species |
Proboscidea louisianica (Louisiana Unicorn-plant) |
Louisiana Unicorn-plant, Ram's Horn, Ram's-horn, Unicorn Plant, Aphid Trap, Common Devilsclaw, Devil's Claw, Pale Devil's-claw, Unicorn-plant |
Species |
Prosartes hookeri (Hooker's Mandarin) |
Hooker's Mandarin, Drops-of-gold, Hooker's Fairybells, Oregon Drops Of Gold, Small-leaf Fairy-bells, Drops Of Gold |
Species |
Prosartes trachycarpa (Rough-fruited Mandarin) |
Rough-fruited Mandarin, Roughfruit Fairybells |
Species |
Prunella vulgaris (Self-heal) |
Self-heal, Common Selfheal, Common Self Heal, Heal-All, Heal All, Selfheal |
Species |
Prunus domestica (European Plum) |
European Plum, Common Plum, Prunes, Garden Plum, Plum, Damson, Bullace, Bullace Plum, Damson Plum, Dawson |
Species |
Prunus emarginata (Bitter Cherry) |
Bitter Cherry, Oregon Cherry |