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Echelon Scientific (Common) Other Names Species Sisymbrium loeselii (Tall Hedge Mustard) Tall Hedge Mustard, False London Rocket, Small Tumbleweed Mustard, Tall Hedge-mustard, Tall Hedgemustard, Tallhedge Mustard Species Sisymbrium officinale (Hairy-pod Hedge-mustard) Hairy-pod Hedge-mustard, Hedge Mustard, Common Hedge Mustard, Hairy-pod Hedgemustard, Hedge (wild) Mustard, Hedge Weed, Yellow Julienne, Common Hedge-mustard, Hairypod Hedgemustard, Hedge Tumblemustard, Hedge-mustard, Hedgemustard, Hedgeweed, Wild Mustard, Singer's Plant Species Sium suave (Hemlock Water-parsnip) Hemlock Water-parsnip, Hemlock Waterparsnip, Water-parsnip, Common Waterparsnip, Water Parsnip Species Smelowskia calycina (Alpine Smelowskia) Alpine Smelowskia Species Solanum americanum (Black Nightshade) Black Nightshade, American Black Nightshade, American Nightshade, Bitter-gumma, Black-calalu, Glossy Nightshade, Jagueribo, Popolo-kikania, Small-flowereed Nightshade, Apple Of Sodom, Bird Pepper, Common Nightshade, Common Purple Nightshade, Purple Nightshade (common), Smallflower Nightshade Species Solanum carolinense (Carolina Horse-nettle) Carolina Horse-nettle, Carolina Horsenettle, Carolina Nightshade, Florida Horsenettle, Horse Nettle, Horse-Nettle, Sand Brier, Apple Of Sodom, Ball Nightshade, Bull Nettle, Devil's Tomato, Horsenettle, Sand Briar Species Solanum douglasii (Douglas' Horse-nettle) Douglas' Horse-nettle, Green-spot Nightshade, Greenspot Nightshade Species Solanum dulcamara (Climbing Nightshade) Climbing Nightshade, Bittersweet, European Bittersweet, Bitter Nightshade, Bittersweet Nightshade, Blue Nightshade, Fellenwort, Woody Nightshade, Fellen Species Solanum elaeagnifolium (Silverleaf Nightshade) Silverleaf Nightshade, White Nightshade, Silver Leaf Nightshade, Tomato Weed, White Horsenettle Species Solanum heterodoxum (Different-glory Nightshade) Different-glory Nightshade, Melon-leaf Nightshade, Melonleaf Nightshade
Species Solanum interius (Inland Nightshade) Inland Nightshade, Deadly Nightshade Species Solanum nigrum (Black Nightshade) Black Nightshade, Black Night Shade, Blackberry Nightshade, European Black Nightshade, Hound's-berry, Sunberry, Deadly Nightshade, Garden Nightshade, Wonderberry Species Solanum physalifolium (Ground-cherry Nightshade) Ground-cherry Nightshade, Hoe Nightshade, Hairy Nightshade Species Solanum rostratum (Buffalo Bur) Buffalo Bur, Buffalobur Nightshade, Buffalo-bur, Colorado Bur, Kansas Thistle, Mexican Thistle, Sand Bur, Texas Thistle, Buffalobur, Horned Nightshade Species Solanum sarrachoides (Hairy Nightshade) Hairy Nightshade, Nightshade, Hoe Nightshade