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Idaho Fish and Game

Upper Snake Region
Overview Summary and Rationale
Keep pressure on private land elk.

2023 Controlled Hunts 

Landowner Permission Required EXTRA Antlerless Elk

Do not apply for these during the controlled hunt application period, see page 111 for application information

Hunt No.


Hunt Areas


Season Dates


Proposed Change(s)



75 100

Aug 1 – Aug 29

Private land only

Change hunt area and increase tags to 100 (+25), add Aug 1 – Aug 29 season, private land only

Oct 1 – Dec 31

*Landowner Permission Required Hunts are a form of Depredation Hunts. Do not apply for these hunts during the controlled hunt application period. Please see page 111 for application information.

Elk Controlled Hunt Area Descriptions

Hunt Area 50-1XThose portions of Unit 50 that are outside the National Forest System Boundary on or within one mile of private agricultural lands. The National Forest System Boundary is a legislatively set boundary — it is not necessarily the boundary of Forest Service property. State, private and other lands within the National Forest System Boundary are not open to hunting during this season. (Please refer to a U.S. Forest Service map for the location of this boundary.) “Private agricultural lands” are defined as privately-owned lands that are used for growing or storing plants for profit, in the form of pasture or stored feed for animal production, croplands, nurseries, vineyards, or orchards, but which do not include private timberlands. Private land within Unit 50.

GMU: 50
Tag Category
Landowner Permission Hunt