Youth 17 years old and younger with an Idaho hunting license can participate in the youth pheasant hunt so long as they're accompanied by an Idaho licensed hunter age 18 years or older. The youth hunt runs from Saturday, Oct. 5 through Oct. 11.
Pheasant hunting starts a half hour before sunrise, except on C.J. Strike, Cartier Slough, Fort Boise, Market Lake, Montour, Mud Lake, Niagara Springs, Payette River, and Sterling wildlife management areas where pheasants are stocked. Shooting hours begin at 10 a.m. at those locations.
The daily bag limit is three cocks, and the possession limit is nine, except on nine WMA’s in southern Idaho where pheasants are stocked. On these WMA's, the daily limit is two cocks and six in possession.
Youth hunters do not need a WMA upland game bird permit, but they are required to wear hunter orange above the waist during the pheasant season while hunting on these WMA’s. A hunter orange hat meets this requirement.
Here is the stocking schedule at Fish and Game’s Wildlife Management Areas for the Youth Pheasant Hunt:
- Fort Boise: 100 pheasants
- Montour: 70 pheasants
- Payette River: 70 pheasants
- Sterling: 160 pheasants
- Market Lake: 115 pheasants
- Niagara Springs: 100 pheasants
- C.J. Strike: 100 pheasants
Young hunters who have never had a hunting license and have not taken hunter education can participate in the hunt through Idaho's Hunting Passport Program.
For more details about pheasant hunting, see the Upland Game, Furbearer and Turkey Seasons and Rules, or get the printed brochure available at Fish and Game license vendors.
General pheasant hunts start Oct. 12 or Oct. 19, depending which part of the state you're in. There's map of pheasant zones on page 12 of the rules brochure.