Women's Outdoor Skills Clinic Slated in Nampa
Rifle shooting, survival and fly fishing are just some of the outdoor skills to be taught at an upcoming Women Of the Woods clinic, sponsored by Idaho Fish and Game.
Free of charge and open to women 18 years of age and older, the WOW clinic will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, September 28, at the Fish and Game Nampa Research Office, 1414 E. Locust Road, just south of the Wilson Springs area.
With more women interested in outdoors than ever before, Lauren Lapinel of the Fish and Game Nampa office, said she felt the time was right to introduce other women to the outdoor skills she enjoys and uses on a regular basis.
"Idaho is all about being outdoors," Lapinel said. "Our goal is to help participants learn new outdoor skills and/or hone familiar skills to increase their enjoyment of all that Idaho has to offer."
The WOW clinic is modeled after a similar - and highly successful - women's outdoor workshop in Bonner's Ferry in early August.
In addition to those skills already mentioned, the clinic's female instructors will offer courses in preparing for the hunt, field dressing big game and upland game birds, map, compass and GPS use and fishing basics.
Space is limited, and advanced registration is necessary. For more information or to register for the clinic, contact Lapinel at: lauren.lapinel@idfg.idaho.gov.