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Idaho Fish and Game

Winter Boaters Urged To Use Extra Caution

For those courageous winter boaters that brave the elements, the winter months can provide excellent, crowd-free opportunities at waterfowl and fish. However, according to Idaho Department of Fish and Game, being out on the water in the winter months can be very dangerous if boaters aren't careful. "Winter boaters need to be extra cautious and always wear a life jacket," said Rick Cooper, IDFG conservation officer based in Lewiston. "A life jacket is a boater's best friend because it can help protect from hypothermia and from drowning." Hypothermia occurs when the body loses heat faster than it can produce it. The condition contributes to deaths by inhibiting the victims' ability to swim or stay afloat. According to the U.S. Coast Guard, people lose body heat 25 times faster in cold water than in cold air, and hypothermia can occur in any water less than 70 degrees, which means large lakes and rivers pose a risk even in warm months. Winter boaters can help protect themselves against accidents by taking a few critical steps before leaving the boat launch. The first involves inspecting and testing their boats and assuring that all equipment is on board and working properly; the second step is putting on a life jacket. Other cold weather boating safety tips include:
  • Tell someone where you are going and when you expect to return.
  • Dress in layers; take off or on as the temperature dictates.
  • Watch carefully for any debris and avoid anything that appears to be floating.
  • Don't overload your boat. Follow your boat capacity guidelines.
  • Be aware of weather conditions before leaving shore, and while on the water.
  • If you end up in the water, stay with your boat and try to pull yourself up on it.