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Idaho Fish and Game

White-tailed Deer Plan Readied

Idahoans have an opportunity to weigh in on the proposed plan for managing white-tailed deer. The plan will be reviewed and may be adopted by the Idaho Fish and Game Commission when it meets in Orofino in November. After October 15, the public can review the plan on the Fish and Game Internet web site in the hunting section at . Those with an opinion on the plan are invited to take part in the survey also found on the web site. Under the proposed plan, hunters will be able to buy a general tag, good for either species, or a white-tail tag. The Clearwater deer tag will be eliminated. The white-tail only tag will be valid during the most popular part of the white-tail seasons north of the Salmon River. Regulations are shaped under the plan to address agricultural depredation by white-tails while recognizing the value of habitat for maintaining existing populations.