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Idaho Fish and Game

What do fish eat?

JEROME - Ever wonder what lives under the water? We know fish do, but what do the fish feed on? If you want to get a closer look at the creatures that make their living underwater, here is a couple of tricks to try that which are fun and easy. Viewing window
  • Have an adult help you cut the bottom off of a milk or juice jug. To make viewing easier, you can also cut off some of the top to widen the opening. Try not to cut the handle, so you can hold your scope.
  • Cover the bottom opening with plastic wrap and hold it in place with a rubber band. Trim off any extra wrap and tape around the band. You want the window to be tight, so the water won't seep in.
  • Take your scope to a pond or shallow stream and put it into the water with the plastic-wrap end down. You should be able to see under the water clearly. It's best if you keep your scope in one place and don't move around too much. That way, the animals won't be afraid to come close, and you'll get a good look at them.
Kick screen
  • You need a 2' X 2' piece of tight woven screen, like on a screen
  • Two 2"X2" sticks that are three foot long.
  • Tack the edge of the screen to the bottom two foot of the sticks and you are ready to catch bugs.
  • Place the screen in the water at a 45-degree angle and have someone kick up the rocks upstream of the screen. Bugs will float downstream, becoming trapped and you can take the screen from the water to look at them.
Both activities can make for a fun day on the water. For those that want to increase their knowledge, purchase an aquatic insect book and identify your catch.