Waterfowl Season Clarification
Seasons are open for most geese, ducks, coots and common snipe through January 15 in the northern and eastern parts of the state and through January 22 in the southwest.
In addition, a two-part season for blue, snow and Ross' geese runs through January 22 and from February 20 through March 10, 2010, in Area 2, the Southwest Region and most of the Magic Valley Region.
The two-part season runs through January 15 and from February 20 through March 10 in Area 3, the portion of the Southeast Region within Power and Bingham counties in game management unit 68.
Hunters are urged to check the 2009 Waterfowl Seasons and Rules brochure. Hunters also are reminded if they head out to hunt after December 31, they must have a 2010 Idaho hunting license with a Federal Migratory Game Bird Harvest Information Program validation. Federal duck stamps remain valid through the end of the waterfowl season in March 2010.